An Evil Wizard

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Mae laid on the ground, she didn't have the energy to move. Her vision grew fuzzy and she was sure that she would die soon. She didn't think even a senzu bean would be able to help her at this point. She had been stabbed and her energy stolen. Gohan and Videl were at her side and she wanted to tell them how sorry she was but she didn't even have the energy to talk.

"We will take her to a doctor." Two men came up with a stretcher.

"I will deal with her." Kibito said coldly.

"She's been stabbed. She needs a doctor!" They argued.

"I said I would handle it!" Kibito snapped at them sending them scurrying off. He put his hand on Mae's back and suddenly she started to get her energy back. Somehow he was healing her. Within a couple minutes Mae was able to move again.

"Ah, what did they do to me?" Mae said as she sat up on her knees.

"Mae!" Videl and Gohan embraced her before she had time to be angry.

"Videl, Gohan." Mae said, "I'm okay. Actually I surprisingly feel better than I did before."

"I healed you." Kibito said as Mae stood up.

Mae turned and looked at him and placed her hands on her hips. "I have questions and I want some damn answers."

"If you follow me I will tell you everything." Kibito said.

"Oh I thought I would have to fight you for information." Mae said relaxing a bit.

"We need your help." Kibito said with slight desperation.

"In that case I'm coming too." Gohan said. "Those guys attacked my sister and I want to know why."

"If you guys are going then I am too." Videl said.

"What? No." Mae said. "It could be dangerous."

"Mae is right. It's better if you stay here." Gohan said in agreement.

"No way!" Videl said stubbornly.

"There's no changing your mind is there?" Mae sighed.

Videl shook her head and Gohan said, "fine you can come but if things get bad then you come back here."

"Okay!" Videl said. The three of them and Kibito took off in the same direction Goku and the others went.

"My first question is who are you and that other guy?" Mae asked.

"I am apprentice to the Supreme Kai. He's the other man who was with me." Kibito explained.

"Like King Kai?" Mae asked. Goku had mentioned him before but no supreme Kai.

"Yes. The Supreme Kai is the topmost Kai." Kibito continued.

"Okay but why are you guys here?" Gohan asked.

"Those two men who took your energy are being controlled by an evil wizard." Kibito said.

"Why did they need my energy?" Mae asked her voice shaking a little. She had a bad feeling in her stomach.

"Millions of years ago an evil wizard named Bibidi created a monster named Majin Buu to spread fear and eliminate all life." Kibito said, "Majin Buu was an unstoppable force and only one of the five Grand Kais survived. Eventually Majin Buu became so strong that Bibidi struggled to control him, so whenever Buu needed to rest he would seal him in a ball. Bibidi would seal it with a spell leaving Buu in a dormant state. After the supreme Kai killed Bibidi, the ball was hidden away here on earth." Kibito continued.

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