VS Part 2

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(Jirou's POV)

I groan as I get out of bed, knowing that today will not be a good day. With the second phase of the exam and the whole Kaminari thing, I'm probably going to be miserable.

I've been avoiding everyone since yesterday, but that's impossible at school, so I have no choice but to face them.

---Time Skip (before school starts)---

I walk into the classroom and quietly take a seat near the other girls. They didn't notice me sit down until later.

Months ago, we specifically agreed that if we were going to talk about boys and stuff like that, we would do it quietly and privately. They obviously forgot the "privately" part.

"Why was he in your room?"

"And why was he on your bed?"

"What were you guys doing?"

"Did you kiss yet~?"

"Are you dating each other?"

The questions just kept on coming.

"We were talking, he got tired, we were still just talking, no and no." I spat out.

Saved by the bell. Mr. Aizawa enters the class and starts explaining the rules and such for the second part of the exam.

He showed us the list of our opponents.

Mina vs Uraraka

Aayoma vs Tokoyami

Shoji vs Asui

Iida vs Midoriya

Bakugou vs Todoroki

Kirishima vs Mineta

Koda vs Ojiro

Yaoyarozu vs Sato

Kaminari vs me...

And Hagakure vs Sero

(Kaminari's POV)

I'm fighting Jirou?! I can't fight Jirou! But if I fake it, and get caught, I'll fail. Well, either way, we'll both pass.

We change into our hero costumes and head into Gym Gamma.

"I'm going to lay some ground rules. If your opponent is obviously out for more than five seconds, do not continue to fight them. We don't want any of you killing each other. Fight fair, fight smart. Like I said before, cheating will not be tolerated and will be an automatic fail. Understand?" Mr. Aizawa explains.

"Yes, sir."

Kirishima and Mineta were first. Kirishima ended up winning, but was covered in Mineta's pop off balls. He looked like a walking grape vine. Bakugou kept laughing at him, but then Kirishima touched one of the sticky orbs onto Bakugou's shoulder. They were stuck. Eventually, Mineta helped them get them off after being repeatedly threatened by Bakugou. It was hilarious.

"Kaminari and Jirou. You're up."

Gah! Of course we're second! Ugh. At least we can just get this over with.

We take our fighting stances on opposing sides.

"Don't kill me, okay?" I say to her.

"Fine. But only if you do the same." She replies

"Deal." I answer

Mr. Aizawa tells us to start.

I try to make the first attack. I aim my shooter hesitantly in her direction. Too late.

Jirou plugs her earphone jacks into the devices on her fists and slams them into the concrete ground, emitting a soundwave and tearing it apart.

I lost my footing and sank into the rubble. Thankfully, I was able to climb out.

"Nice try. I know your moves, Kyouka. Remember, we fought during the last trainings and I-"

I was sent back into the wall by her sonic sound blasts coming from her boots.

I hit the wall behind me.

My back aches and my ears bleed
"Ow! Are you trying to break my spine?" I complain.

"No. You were just talking too much." She replies with her arms folded.

I try shooting some bolts at her, missing most of them. I ended up hitting her arm and back. She was almost unbothered by the shock.

This isn't working. I need full power.

I release one thousand volts creating a small dome of electricity around me. I crank it up higher and higher...


Yeyheheheeh... 👍🤪👍

(Jirou's POV)

I was able to get out of the range of his special move.

Kaminari short circuited his brain again. I don't even use my quirk. I push him over onto his back and he just stays like that. I won. Again. Afterwards, I go to Recovery Girl to treat a few third degree burns on my arm and back.

(Kaminari's POV)

I'm such an idiot! I thought I could control it! My brain can't handle my quirk just yet and i'm not sure if it ever will. Jirou got a 100 on the exam. I got a 50 and so the rest of the class except Mina, Todoroki, Midoriya, Aayoma and of course Jirou. She's improved so much lately. It impresses me. Not just with her quirk, but also socially and musically. I can hear her singing from my room sometimes and that all I'll listen to until she stops. She's adorable. Wait, what?

I snap out of my trance and realize I was still at lunch sitting next to Kirishima and Midoriya.

I glance towards the girl's table. There's no way I could...but...what if...no..I mean maybe...how do I know...if...I...like her...like...that?

I thought to myself. There's no way. I mean, I did tell the guys that I liked her, but I meant as a friend. Now i'm not sure. Well, she's talented, beautiful, adorable, smart and unique..definitely.

Just because I think that, it doesn't mean I have feelings for her. Right?

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