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Book 1


Werewolves, that's what we call ourself. Beings that can shift into a wolf and are drawn to the Moon. The Moon stands symbol for whatever is happening up there in the sky, it stands symbol for our ancestors. The ones who are immortal and decide our fate. Some people say the ancestors live on the Moon others think they are along with us on The Eight Lands.

The Eight Lands basically got its name from the eight packs that exist in this world. All the packs represent a different ancestor. All the packs are led by Alphas. To be an Alpha of a certain pack, you must be a family member of the ancestor that pack represents.

The Love Pack represents the ancestor Cain, known to be very determined and a dominating man, who doesn't take no as an answer. Admired for his charms and strength.


''Well, I don't see the problem, Alpha dearest,'' I hissed, gritting my teeth. ''You leave me alone and everything will be-''

He interrupted me with a furious sounding growl. ''No,'' he stated, his eyes narrowed at me. ''You'll not leave. Not again. Every time you manage to create a distance between us, I'll drag you back to me. Even if you cross the borders of this pack, I'll bring you back to my side. It's only a waste of time.''


Ironic, isn't it? Living in a pack called the Love Pack but having no one that loves you or even cares for you. Being locked up gives me much time to think. About how unfair this world is, since some people have everything their hearts desire, while others have completely nothing. Or what about the fact that I'm locked up in the first place?

Just because I experienced something that nobody believes is true, doesn't mean I've gone mad. They're just too ignorant to realise that what I experienced has actually happened.


All she wants is to leave but he won't let her. He never will.


Word meanings:
Capital is the name of the capital in a pack. Most of the times they say Capital of the Love Pack for example. If they don't, they're probably talking of the capital of their own pack.

Every pack has a different Ancestor they worship. That Ancestor is like their god/goddess. Every Ancestor has some kind of different abilities and every Ancestor decides the future of the members of their pack. So they decide who are mates and who not.

An Alpha is the leader of the pack.

A Beta is the second in comment and helps the Alpha with whatever the Alpha wants help with.

Alpha Female
The Alpha Female is the mate of the Alpha and only the mate of the Alpha can have that position. If the Alpha doesn't have a mate, he can't have an Alpha Female for his pack. This position is equal to the one of the Alpha. Only in the Imagination Pack the Alpha is more powerful than the Alpha Female. But that is for now of no use

Mates are like soul mates. They are created by the Ancestors and can only be found when they have skin to skin contact. So no special scent nor an inside wolf who goes crazy. There does is a small, unexplainable pull toward each other.

Guards are the soldiers and police of a pack. They are well trained and work in order of the Alpha.

The Heat happens once in a year to a female within the age of sixteen to forty. The Heat lasts a week and in that week the female is able to get pregnant. While Heat the females body will crave the body of the opposite sex, mate or not doesn't really matter. Symptoms are: high temperature, sweetened scent, very attractive for unmated males.



So, I wanted to upload this story for a while, but didn't really know when... And since it's my birthday today (06-01-2019/01-06-2019), I thought it'd be great to upload it today!

I hope that you'd like the story and enjoy reading!

If you have any questions, just leave them in the comments. I read every single one of them and will answer the question as soon as possible.



Copyright © 2019 Zoë Moes. All rights reserved.

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