13 | "The Ending of My Freedom"

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I woke up of a soft knock on the door. "You awake?" The voice of Gianna was as silent as a whisper. She opened the door slowly and peeked her head in the room. Her eyes met mine and she had a look of relieve on her face. "Great, you're not sleeping anymore. Are you coming for breakfast?" she asked. Something in her voice was off. It sounded pleading and even a little scared.

What was going on?

"Uhm, yeah sure," I spoke carefully. I searched her face for another off expression. With no success. "Give me a second and I'll be down stairs," I told her.

Gianna nodded her head. "Be quick, otherwise breakfast will be cold," she stuttered out. After that she left the room and closed the door.

With a sigh, I stood up out of bed. I switched the light on and looked around the room for a mirror or something reflecting. I'd no luck with finding a mirror but the glass of the window was quite reflecting.

I stared at myself and did my hair in a bun. At least that would look presentable. My eyes screamed 'tired', the clothes I wore were not made for somebody like me and I just didn't look healthy and fit at all. But who cares? When I arrive at the destination of my dreams, I'll do something about it but right now I don't care about what those people think about me. I'm used to them judging me.

The moment I was done, I just stared outside. The sun was just up; I guessed it was about eight am. I noticed the beautiful different shades of the blue mixed with a little bit of orange sky. But that wasn't the only thing I noticed. On the street in front of this house was a pitch black car. The car wasn't hard to remember. That exact sort of car was burned into my memory for the rest of my life. And God, that wasn't a pleasant memory.

The black car was for sure of the Guards.

Right there and then my slow mind registered what was going on. It wasn't that hard to figure out. The Guards were here and there was only one logical reason why they would be. That reason started with a M and ended with an E.

I swallowed and pursed my lips together. With narrowed eyes I scanned the street sceptically. Was there any Guard out on the streets? From what I could see, there wasn't. So they were probably inside this very house. Of course there was a chance that they weren't here for me. Maybe Gianna or Lucas committed a crime and the Guards were here to arrest them. That would make sense. Right?

Gathering all my courage and decided to try to eavesdrop on whatever was happening downstairs. It was still possible that these Guards weren't here for me. It was a slim chance but still a chance. I opened the door of the room I slept in without it making a sound. On my tiptoes I walked to the stairs and just stood there, listening carefully to the voices.

''She's upstairs.'' The shaky voice belonged to Gianna. It was obvious that she was scared to death. ''Soon she'll come downstairs for breakfast.''

Then a dark and low voice spoke. It certainly belonged to one of the Guards. How many Guards actually were here? Two? Five? Ten? I had no idea. ''If she doesn't hurry, we'll come get her.'' The voice made shivers run down my spine, definitely not in a pleasant way.

Okay, I was a hundred per cent certain they were here for me. Now I just needed to escape them without them noticing. Couldn't be that hard. I just couldn't go downstairs. With a deep inhale, I tried to calm myself down. I was panicking, just because I wasn't able to think of an escape plan in such a short period of time. My hands were starting to get clammy and my legs were shaky.

Taking another deep breath, I tiptoed back to my room. The moment I closed the door, I scanned the room for an escape. The only possible thing I could think of was the window. But last time I checked it was two stories high. For a werewolf like me it was doable but still painful. If there was any other option, that would have my preference. Jumping out of the window? No thanks.

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