18 | "You Can't just Strangle Her"

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I woke up by a knock on the door. "Amilia?" the voice of Lilliana spoke. "Dinner is ready and Alpha required you in the dining room with him." She opened the door and peeked inside.

"Say that I don't want to come," I replied to her. I felt bad for my behavior towards her and for her being responsible for me. She needed to tell Zeron over and over again that I wasn't listening to him. Did he get angry at her? I know that she couldn't handle that. What if she gets fired because of me?

Lilliana took a seat on the other side of the bed. "There are special guests that he wants you to meet," she continued.

I froze. "His parents are here?" I asked in a whisper. I wasn't ready to meet his parents. Hell, I wasn't even ready to act like his mate. I sat straight up and stared with wide eyes at Lilliana.

She shook her head. "Not his parents," she assured me. "Beta and his mate are here though."

A wave of relief hit me and I relaxed immediately. "Then tell him that I don't want to meet them. I've nothing to do with the Beta and his mate, so there is no use in me meeting them. Oh, and if you go to the dining room, could you get me a plate?" I requested with a smile. I still hadn't eaten the food she'd brought me for breakfast and I wanted a meal to eat just in case I grew hungry.

"I'll try my best," she muttered, not even trying to hide the fact that she was relieved that I asked for something to eat. She'd seen the untouched food on the spot were she'd left it and probably started to wonder how I wasn't dying of hunger by now.

I gave her another smile. "Thank you, Lilliana."

Then she left the room, again locking it. Only several minutes later I heard the sound of keys. The door was pushed open with force. With a tilted head and furrowed eyebrows, I gaped at him. "What is it this time?" I asked, sounding annoyed.

He stalked over to me, never losing eye contact with me. There were the pleasant tingles again. "It's you," he stated. "It's always you. It's only you who can get me this pissed and it's only you who can get away with it." He pressed his lips together, waiting for a response. A response that never came. I stared at him, but nothing more. "Lilliana came here to ask you kindly if you wanted to come downstairs for dinner. I'm here to-"

I huffed, "And what if I don't want to?"

"I don't care if you want to come or not," he sounded dead serious. "I'll drag you down the stairs and force dinner down your throat if I have to. How lovely that my Beta and his mate need to see such an amusing event." His shoulders were pulled back and he stared in my eyes with a dominating look. I was slightly intimidated by him, scared even. I broke eye contact with him, not being able to stand the overwhelming look in his eyes. "Are you coming?" All of a sudden his voice sounded more normal.

I nodded my head, standing up from the bed. He held out his hand for me and with a little bit of hesitation, I grabbed it. I didn't want to piss him off any more. I was scared that if I did, I'd end up with something I didn't want.

The door of the dining room was opened and Zeron led me to my spot on the dining table, on his left. In front of me was a man around Zeron's age. On his right was a girl with both the dark brown hair and the black eyes of the Love Pack. She had the looks of how an average Love Pack member was supposed to look like.

I looked at Zeron, hoping he'd say something to break this silence. And luckily he did, "Amilia, this are my Beta, Warren Peter Thornson, and his mate, Brylee Sarah Thornson." I looked up at the people in front of me and gave them a small smile, that was the least I could give them. "Warren, Brylee, this is my mate, Amilia Emory Redwood."

It didn't surprise me that he knew my full name. He probably let some of his Guards do some research on me. He probably knew more about me than I wanted him to know.

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