21 | "Or I Would Be a Dead Man"

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''Amilia, I think we really need to head back to the Alpha Estate,'' Lilliana recommended. Her eyes held a worried look. ''Alpha wouldn't want you to be gone for that long.''

Her mother nodded understandingly. ''I think she's right,'' she tried to reason with me. ''Although we had fun today, I think you should go back to your mate. Wouldn't want him to worry about you for nothing.'' She gave me a kind smile.

As fast as I could, I tried to think of something I could use against their arguments. The longer I could stay here, the better. As long as I was avoiding my dearest mate, I would be happy. Being around him made me feel awkward and sometimes it even felt like I didn't belong there, with him. Nothing wrong about that, since I truly didn't. I wasn't born to stay in this pack.

Yet I hadn't run. I was still here, in this pack with him as one of the main reasons. Something kept me here. It wasn't just the bond that begged me to stay close to him, my whole body betrayed me and didn't want to leave his side.

''Can't we stay a little longer? We had so much fun, don't want that to end, do we?'' I suggested. For the hours I spent here, I hadn't thought once about Zeron, he was somewhere in the back of my mind.

Lilliana shook her head. ''We really need to go back, Alpha will get worried. What if he thinks that I did something to you?'' she thought out loud, her voice dripping in fear.

I smirked, ''Still scared of him?'' A silent laugh escaped my mouth. For me it was weird to think that someone could possibly be scared of him. I had seen his bad sides, but they weren't that scary to me. I knew that the real fear was taken away by the mate bond; mating would never happen if you were scared for your own mate.

''Yes,'' Lilliana muttered. ''Not everybody is able to resist the dominance of your mate.'' I laughed at her, thinking of something that we could talk about. As long as we were talking, she wouldn't think of leaving. To say I was wrong, was an understatement. ''And that's why we need to get you back there. Facing an angry Alpha isn't my cup of tea,'' she uttered.

''You won't face an angry Alpha,'' I ensured her. ''And even if you did, I'll distract him so you can run.''

Lilliana's mother shook her head, laughing at us. ''I feel bad for that Alpha of you, that poor man has his hands full with you,'' she told me.

I wanted to reply to her, but before I got the change, Lilliana grabbed my wrist and started to pull me to the door. ''Bye mom!'' she yelled. ''We really need to go now.''

''Bye Mrs. Sullivan!'' I shouted before Lilliana dragged me out of the house. ''You know, that wasn't needed,'' I told Lilliana once we were outside of her parent's house.

She scoffed, ''Oh, it was. If it depended on you, you'd have stayed there for the night.''

I rolled my eyes. ''That's not true!'' I lied, trying to sound offended.

Lilliana creased her brow and stared at me with narrowed eyes. ''I'll never understand what is going on between you and Alpha,'' she sighed, dropping the subject. We started to walk our way back to the Alpha Estate. The sun was starting to set and I hoped that it wouldn't be dark before we reached the estate. Walking in the dark through Desire Wood didn't leave me with a very good memory.

We crossed over one of the busy streets of Desilyn when I heard a shout behind me. ''There she is!'' I turned around in a second and saw a group of Guards running to me. I stood there frozen in my spot, staring in disbelieve to the nearing Guards. In some sort of way, this even was kind of familiar.

I could see Lilliana having the same reaction as me. Both nailed to the ground, we watched the Guards getting closer by the second and before I knew it, I was in a moving vehicle. I didn't even try to protest, since I was too overwhelmed by this whole situation. The look Lilliana and I shared when they placed me in the vehicle was burned in my mind and I couldn't stop thinking about how they left her there, frozen in shock.

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