20 | "She's Not in the Estate at the Moment"

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A special chapter in the point of view of our beloved Zeron Maximus Amoress.


It was already after lunch and I still hadn't seen Amilia after this morning. I'd been in my study all morning and it wasn't like I was expecting her to come to me. If I wanted to see her, I'd have to be the one who came to her. That girl wouldn't take the initiative.

I called one of the maids into my study. "Get Amilia here for me," I commanded. The maid nodded and left the room, obeying my command. Before Amilia ran away, she told me that the maids in the estate feared me. I laughed at her, saying that that wasn't true. But after her disappearance, I noticed that she was right. I noticed how the people in the estate would avoid me. I even overheard a conversation between two maids, saying exactly what Amilia had told me before.

When she was gone, all I could think about was how I was so obvious to the bond. Even without sharing a touch, I -as Alpha- should have known. I should have known that we were mates the moment Cain bursted through my door, telling me to rescue a girl locked in a mental hospital. Cain wouldn't care that much if she wasn't important for this pack.

My thoughts were interrupted by a door opening. "I'm sorry to tell you, Alpha, but the Alpha Female is not in the Alpha Estate at the moment," the maid told me calmly.

I shot out of my chair, standing straight up. My gaze was fixed on the maid, holding a look with widened eyes. "What do you mean "she's not in the Alpha Estate at the moment"? Where is my mate?" I demanded.

The woman stared at me with nothing but fear in her eyes. "I don't know, Alpha," she spoke. Her voice held a slight stutter. "One of the Guards told me that she left with the maid, Lilliana. He also said that she said that you were the one who granted her permission to leave." Every word she spoke, left her mouth carefully.

I slammed my fists on the desk. "Get Warren here as soon as possible, along with the ones who stood guard this morning," I commanded. The maid practically ran out of the study the moment I told her to.

For moments I stood there, frozen in my spot. How dared she to run away again? Why would she? I thought she was finally starting to get used to this, to me. At least, I hoped she was. I hoped that her thoughts of leaving me finally disappeared from her mind. But this all proved I was wrong, that my trust in her was misplaced. Deep down I felt betrayed, although I wasn't that surprised that she ran. She even warned me that she'd be gone before I knew.

Sitting back down, I ran my hands through my hair. How could I've let her walk around unguarded? I sighed, feeling annoyed with myself.

The Guards were first to stumble inside my study. They all held their faces down, not wanting to face me. "Who of you let Amilia leave the estate?" I demanded an answer, glaring daggers at the Guards in front of me. How could they be so stupid to believe my mate? How could they possibly think that I granted her permission to leave?

"It was me, Alpha," one of the Guards spoke up. His voice was barely audible and it took much to hear it.


The Guard stepped forward, still having his gaze fixed on the ground. "I was the one who let your mate leave the Alpha Estate," he clarified.

I tried to control myself, since I wanted to punch the guy badly. Probably do worse if he said one more thing. "Leave," I ordered. Immediately the Guards started to exit the room, but when he was about to leave the room, I spoke up: "No, you stay." My words were simple, but seemed to leave the young Guard stunned. "Where is my mate?" I questioned with a calm voice, although I was far from calm.

The Guard turned around to face me. "I don't know, Alpha," he answered.

I growled at him, clenching my fists. It took much of my self control to not walk over to him and snap his neck. The rage I felt was mostly coming from my animalistic side, the side that required a mate. The fact that I hadn't shifted in a week was also not helping. "Then think!" I snapped at him. "I want my mate here before the night falls. If she's not here by then, you will suffer from the consequences."

The young man nodded and left me on my own in the study, probably starting to search for my missing mate. Not even a minute passed before Warren walked into the study. "Why did I just watch a Guard stumbling out of you study shaking in fear?" he asked, amusement clear in his voice.

"I don't know, ask that imbecile!" I snapped, feeling irritated.

My Beta chuckled, although I didn't find it funny at all. With a scowl on my face, I listened to the other words he had to say. "What happened? I haven't seen you so worked up after she ran away," he remarked.

I scoffed, "She ran indeed."

"Who?" Warren asked, frowning his eyebrows.

"Amilia of course!" I fumed, feeling the sudden need to punch something. Only she could make me feel like this. It was only her who could get me so angry and frustrated at the same time. "Who else could get me so worked up?"

Warren watched me with amusement in his eyes. I don't know how he found this amusing, because I found no single thing amusing about this situation. "I never thought that you could get so whipped," he commented.

"I'm not whipped!" I sneered back at him.

Warren hummed my comment away. "She'll come back," he told me. "After a while she will realize that life without you isn't an option."

"And that's the thing," I tried to reason with him. "She won't realize it. The only thing she will realize is that she loves her life outside of this pack!" My anger was rising and the time was ticking. Minutes turned into hours and there was still no sign of my missing mate.

In some sort of way, this reminded me of myself. When I was younger, I used to hide for my requirements. I'd spent hours wandering around Desire Wood or in the deserted attic. Then a Guard would find me and I still needed to do the things I was trying to avoid. As a child, I didn't like the idea of becoming the Alpha of Love, but I had no choice. I was the only child of the Alpha couple and after my mother gave birth to me, she was unable to give birth to another child. It was my job to take over the title when I came of age and I had no say in it. Only a true descendant of an Ancestor was able to carry the title of Alpha.

The imbecile of a Guard came into my study again. Before he could say anything, I fired questions at him. "Did you find her?" was my first and most important question.

The Guard shook his head. "No, Alpha, but we think that-" he trailed off.

"You think what?" I asked impatiently.

"We think that we have a lead to where she is going."

I sighed, both in relief and annoyance. "Then follow that lead and bring me my mate," I barked. This man wasn't going to be a Guard for long. As soon as the night falls, he will be fired and -depending on if he succees on finding her- thrown into a prison cell for some time.

As fast as he appeared in my study, he was gone again. I prayed to Cain that he was following the good lead and that I was able to be close to my mate by the time the moon rised. I was feeling the need to shift but I was afraid that in the time I was gone, she'd arrive back home. My animalistic instincts could wait for a little longer, soon I'll shift.

Why did she leave?

I kept asking myself this question over and over again.

What did I do wrong?

As soon as I have her back, I'll let her never leave my side. I would never risk the change of her leaving me again. Her absence would be like a missing limb that I was unable to live without. She was a part of my life that I couldn't miss.

Now that I thought of it again, Warren was right. I indeed was whipped...

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