19 | "I'll Leave Him a Note"

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And slowly I am getting through my pre-written chapters. Soon I need to start writing more...


Once again I woke up before Zeron. It was most likely because I wasn't used to sleeping in. Normally, I'd have to wake up early to do my early shift at the supermarket. Another possibility was because I was a very light sleeper. One noise and I was wide awake.

It was hard to deny that I liked waking up like this; his arms wrapped around me and my face buried in his chest.

Only when one of his arms detached itself from around my body and found its way to my hair, I knew that he was awake. To avoid awkward situations, I pretended to be asleep, but the fact that he was playing with the strands of my hair wasn't helping.

My skin was practically exploding of a tingly feeling and my body begged for more. More than I was willing to give. I wanted to pull myself away from him, but i was unable to. My body wasn't letting me.

He placed a soft kiss on the top of my head, leaving an even more pleasures feeling behind. Unable to do anything about it, I snuggled closer to his chest. My hands were filled with the fabric of his shirt and I felt pleased.

I heard him chuckle softly, his chest shook a little. "You know," he said. I wasn't sure if he knew that I was awake or if he was talking to no one. "I quite enjoy this and I know you do too." His voice was barely a whisper in my ear and I did not know what to do with it. I still wasn't certain if he knew that I was awake after all. "All you do is give me Hell while I know you want this."

"Me at least," he corrected himself quickly.

His fingers brushed gently through my hair, making me feel relaxed. I was on the edge of falling asleep again but I pushed myself to stay awake and listen to what else he had to say.

He sighed. "I just don't see why you think that running away from me is for the better. How could that possibly make your life better, because I'm sure it would ruin mine," he kept on rambling until I couldn't pretend I was asleep anymore. I froze in my spot and I knew he felt it. With one simple gesture, he pulled my chin up so I was forced to face him. "Good morning to you too, love." His voice sounded husky and his face hold a look of awaiting.


After what happened in the bedroom, we avoided each other. Or I was at least avoiding him. I told Lilliana to bring breakfast to the bedroom, since Zeron was most likely having breakfast in the dining room. After I'd breakfast, Lilliana told me she was heading to Desilyn again. I begged her to let me come along, another day in this boring estate and I'd die of boredom.

"I don't know if Alpha would agree on that," she told me, doubt clear in her voice. "After what you pulled not so long ago, I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't allowed to leave." Her eyes told me that she didn't want to do anything that would displeasure the Alpha, she was still terrified of him.

I shrugged, "He told me himself that I was permitted to leave as long as I'd be with a companion." To be honest, that was a complete lie. Lilliana was entirely right; Zeron wouldn't let me leave this place unless he was with me himself. Even if he allowed me to leave, I was certain that he'd sent hundreds of Guards along.

Lilliana frowned at me, narrowing her eyes at me in a sceptical way. ''I'll ask Alpha then,'' she affirmed.

My eyes went wide. ''He told me this morning that he was very busy, I don't think he'd appreciate it if you go into his study,'' I protested smoothly. There was no way he'd let me, so I needed to avoid a conversation between him and Lilliana.

''But I think that Alpha would like to know that you are leaving to Desilyn with me,'' she spoke, sounding confused. Why was she so good? I'd almost feel bad for lying to her. Hold up, I said almost.

''I'll leave him a note,'' I assured her. ''Plus, I'm certain that you wouldn't want to be in a conversation with him, especially when he's irritated because of you interrupting him.'' And again I felt bad, this time for using her fear for him against her.

Lilliana nodded quickly. ''You're right, that'd be awful,'' she muttered underneath her breath. I could see her quiver in terror. ''But please don't forget the note. I wouldn't want him to be mad at me.'' Her eyes found mine and held a pleading expression.

I gave her an ensuring smile, ''Of course I'll.'' Leaving a note wouldn't be that bad. Once he found it, I'd be out of the estate already. Not like he'd miss me anyways. Before I could cross his mind, I'd be back. No big deal.

Lilliana brought me a piece of paper and a pen, saying that I needed to write it. I simply wrote that I would be right back. Nothing more and nothing less. I purposely didn't write where I was going, in case he was going to follow me. I put the note on the bedside table against the wall. In my opinion you weren't able to miss it.

''Don't you think that we should place it somewhere more in sight?'' Lilliana questioned.

I perceived that she was uncomfortable. ''Are your sure that I can come along? I could always just stay here if you think that it's too much,'' I told her, but in my head I was begging her to take me along. It felt like these hallways were getting smaller and the walls were coming closer every minute. I had the feeling that I was caged and it was slowly driving me insane. I never experienced this feeling before; since I was young, I got to decide everything by myself. Mostly because there was no one else who could decide for me.

After a few seconds, Lilliana nodded. ''I'm just a little bit stressed. Alpha wasn't very pleasant to be around with in the days you were gone. He seems to be fine again and I just don't want to be the one who pisses him off,'' she admitted.

''Don't fret, if anyone is going to piss him off, it's me,'' I insisted. ''And even if he gets mad at you, I'll be there to help you. I won't let him do anything to my friend.'' I gave her a smile. ''Ready to go?''

Again she nodded. Together we walked the long way to her parents house. I enjoyed every bit of the journey and hoped that we wouldn't be in too much trouble when we arrived back at the estate.

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