09 | "Don't Disobey Me, Darling"

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Just know two things before you read this chapter.
1. People are weird, especially when they're drunk.
2. I still need to edit this chapter, so I'm sure that it has its mistakes.
Enjoy reading hahaha!


It was surprisingly easy for me to escape the Alpha Estate. Probably because nobody would think of someone breaking out of it rather than breaking in. I wasn't the one to complain; I could get away without a scratch. Well, my feet hurt, but the pain was already reducing. Being in my wolf-form helped too; you healed faster as your wolf than as human.

I mapped out which way I needed to head to and ever since I'd been running that way. It was starting to get dark outside and luckily I wasn't growing tired yet. I was happy when I figured my condition was as good as a week ago. Maybe a little difference, but not much.

Being wolf gave me some time to relax, or at least my body. My mind was still needing to focus on our surroundings and such kind of things.

A branch snapped.

I stopped immediately. There was someone behind me. I didn't know if it was smart to stop, but I couldn't change it anymore. What if it was a guard or worse: the Alpha. It wouldn't surprise me if Cain already told him about our relationship. He probably told the Alpha as soon as he figured I was no longer in the Alpha Estate, hoping he could catch me before I got in the Safety Pack.

For his information, I wasn't going to get myself caught. Going back to him would mean sit still and look pretty, while living a boring life everyone wished to have. Everyone except me. Couldn't he just choose somebody else to be his mate? Like anybody? I knew that only the Alpha's real mate could be the Luna, the Ceremony wouldn't work with someone else.

The Luna Ceremony was a very complicated one. I'd never attend one, since the last one of The Love Pack was when our former Luna became Luna. In the Ceremony the soon-to-be Luna needed to let her blood impinge with the blood of her mate, the Alpha. That's why the Ceremony only worked with real mates; the blood wouldn't react the same otherwise.

I turned cautiously around, my tail between my paws, ears flat and my canines showing. Growling at whoever was behind me, got me hoping I scared them. I moved fast and was more than ready to attack.

In front of me was another wolf. An unfamiliar one. His scent wasn't powerful or something, I was sure he wasn't a guard. He probably just made a run in Desire Wood. His fur was dark brown, like mine. It wasn't uncommon here, it was the original Love Pack hair colour nonetheless. I pulled up my lip to show even more of my sharp canines, now praying it scared him enough to go away.

But he wasn't. Like not at all.

After we stared each other down for a while, some other wolves gathered beside him. My eyes widened, I was now the one who was intimidated. It was five of them against me. All at once, they started to approach me. Every step they took in my direction, I took one backwards. I wasn't that stupid to let them get close to me. What were they even gonna do to me?

The moment I considered them too close, I turned around and sprinted away. I prayed to Cain that I was faster than them and could easily outrun them.

Cain for sure wasn't on my side today.

Before I could sprint a proper hundred feet, I was pinned down by a massive bodyweight. I had no change to escape. Being the pride being I was, I didn't show him any sign of submission. Like Hell I was going to submit to him. He was nothing but a average pack member, just like me. He was not above me, so there was no reason to submit. Maybe if my life depended on it, I'd.

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