16 | "No Big Deal, Right?"

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I'm so sorry that I just can't update in time...

That night I had no sleep at all. Not only because I was unable to. More because I was scared that once I closed my eyes, the Guards would carry me into a car straight to the Alpha Estate. And I for sure didn't want to wake up in one of the luxurious bedrooms of that building.

At the same time, I was starving. The last time I had some food shoved down my throat, was the dinner I had with Gianna and her mate, Lucas. I still wasn't sure if they really betrayed me or the Guards found me on their own.

The whole night I was wondering how they kept me here under such bad conditions. A dirty room, no food nor water and no toilet. It was surprising that my dearest Alpha agreed to let me stay here.

I had no idea what time it was, since there was no clock nor a window, where I could look outside through. I guessed it was somewhere near morning when I heard a door open again. It wasn't hard for me to figure out who it would be. It wasn't like there was any other person who would walk into this building.

Soon Bob, my still nameless mate, walked around the corner. Just like yesterday he stood still in front of the door of my cell. ''Are you willing to come with me?'' were his first words to me. No 'hello', 'good morning' or something like that. How generous and hospitable. Not that I was expecting any of those things.

''No,'' I replied flatly.

''I wasn't giving you a chose, you're going. I don't care if you are willing or unwilling.'' With that he searched in his jeans pocket for -what I guessed- keys of this awful cell.

I scoffed. ''Of course you don't,'' I muttered. ''It's a common thing in this pack. All of you'd do everything for what you want. No matter how others feel about it.''

Right now, he hold the keys in his right hand. He was close to opening the door but then he suddenly stopped. ''You know what isn't a common thing for this pack?'' he asked a rhetorical question, not expecting an answer from me. ''Not accepting your mate.''

''If you hadn't noticed already, I am not the stereotypical Love Pack member. So, if you want that kind of girl, this one over here isn't the right one,'' I told him with a fake smile plastered on my face.

He looked up at me, connecting our eyes once again. ''I don't give a damn about you not being one of those stereotypical Love Pack members. All that matters is that you're mine and there is no way that you're going to change that,'' he hissed at me. ''Understood?'' He demanded an answer.

I nodded slowly, not wanting to but more being forced to. ''Just know that I'm forced to agree,'' I snapped at him.

He just hummed it away. ''Sure thing, darling.''

I crinkled my nose. ''Don't call me that, Bob,'' I told him, giving him a death glare.

He frowned at me and narrowed his eyes at me. ''Still on with that? Hoped you had already forgotten about that,'' he muttered. ''You've no idea how annoying it's when someone like you calls you some random name.''

Staring at him with a confused look, I tilted my head. ''It's not like I now your name,'' I mumbled, rolling my eyes in the process.

Then he was quiet, having nothing to say to that. He knew I was right and so did I.

''I am right, right?'' I asked him with a smirk lingering on my lips. ''You cant expect me to call you your name when you refused to tell me.''


I frowned. ''Zeron, what?'' I asked confused.

He grinned at me with his mouth closed. ''Zeron, as in my name. Zeron Maximus Amoress,'' he told me. ''So, now you know my name, you are coming with me. I don't care if you like it or not. You're coming, no matter how many curse words and sad stories you tell me.''

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