23 | "As in: No, I'm Not Going"

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Zeron and I sat silently on the dining table. We both hadn't said a word since we woke up. I, because I was scared of what he'd say. I was scared that he would bring the introduction up again. A subject I would love to avoid. But why he kept his mouth shut was a mystery to me.

I shoved another fork filled with scrambled eggs in my mouth, staring at my plate. The awkwardness between us was crystal clear. The tension was in the air as we both pretended to be unaware of it.

It surprised me when he moved. He stood up from his chair, which caught my attention. I looked up at him to see him looking back at me. What surprised me more, were his words that followed. ''Warren and Brylee will be here in less then fifteen minutes. Be ready by then,'' he told me.

I frowned at him, not understanding what was going on. Somewhere deep down I had a premonition of what he was referring to but I just wouldn't acknowledge it. I didn't want it to be true. ''Why?'' I asked him, my voice small. My eyes hold a pleading look while they stared right into his.

He seemed to doubt for a few seconds. He doubted if he should answer of not. If it would be a smart thing to do or not. After those seconds passed, he decided it would be for the best if I knew. ''To go to Capital with us,'' his answer was.

I swallowed, ''Why?'' I knew the answer, yet I wanted to hear it from him. I wanted to hear it from him and him alone.

''To introduce you to the pack,'' he finally said, avoiding eye contact with me.


His eyes shot to mine. ''No?'' he repeated. ''What no?''

''As in: no, I'm not going,'' I told him. ''I already told you yesterday that I don't want to.'' With an emotionless expression, I looked back at him.

He shook his head and let out an unhumoristic laugh. He took one step closer to me. ''Oh, but you are coming,'' he stated, his voice sounded dark. It panicked me, letting me feel a bit scared.

The moment he took another step in my way, I rushed out of my chair and stalked backwards. My eyes were wide with caution clear in them but he didn't seem to notice. ''Get away from me,'' I yelled at him, when he got too close for my liking.


I looked over my shoulder to see that I was only a few steps away from the wall. Soon I'd have nowhere to escape to. It was when I turned my gaze back to Zeron, that I noticed how much closer he had gotten. My back touched the wall and he was barely one step away from me. The way he looked at me, made me want to hide from him. His stare terrified me.

I found the courage to look him in the eyes again. ''Why do it?'' I asked once again, hoping that he would change his mind if I kept saying how much I didn't want this. ''I told you a thousand times why I don't what this. Would you really want me to be miserable on your side? Would you really keep me here just for yourself? Are you really that selfish?''

''Don't you dare to call me selfish, while you are the one who only thinks about herself. You only want to get out of this pack for yourself, while the pack needs you. I need you. You are my mate, which means that you are the Alpha Female of this pack. You can't just leave and just in case you manage to, you won't get far. Once I introduce you as my mate, there is no change for you to settle somewhere else in The Eight Lands. There always will be someone to recognize you. There always will be someone to bring you back to me. How many times do I have to tell you that every time you manage to create a distance between us, I'll drag you back to me.'' His words hit me hard. I'm selfish... Not him.

Moments pass and I think of what to say to defend myself but no useful argument comes to my mind. ''At least give me some more time,'' I begged him.

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