It's Time!

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|A Couple Of Days Later|

Miley's Pov:

I was in the kitchen making lunch for us 4, i felt a really strong sharp pain in my stomach "ow! Fuck!" I screamed bending over in pain holding my baby bump.

Paige came running in "Miley? What's wrong?" She asked worried. "I don't know, i keep getting these sharp pains coming and going like every 10 minutes and it hurts like a fucking bitch!" I screamed.

Paige looked scared and worried "I'll go and get Roman" she said and was about to leave. "No! I'll be fine in a minute and i don't want him getting worried for no reason" i said pleasing her.

"I think it be better to get him, I'm sorry I'm scared" she said then left. "Roman! Get down here to your women she in pain!" I hear her yell up to Roman. "Oh fuck!" I said to myself.

I hear foot steps running to me "Miley baby you ok? What's wrong?" He asked scared and worried about me.  "I'm fine, just keep getting these pains is all" i said going to sit down in a chair.

Roman came over to me and knelt down in front of me "baby i think we should get you to the hospital" he said. "Babe i said I'm fi---" i started to say when i felt something warm and wet dripping down through my pants. I looked down "Aw shit!" I said rubbing my face.

Roman looked down "Its time baby, you're in labor about to give birth to our precious daughter" Roman said happily.

"She not due till about another 3 weeks! Can't she bloody wait? I haven't even had my god damn lunch yet!" I screamed with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Miley come on lets go. Paige get her hospital bags please" Roman said then picked me up and carried me out to the car and put me in. Paige went and got my bags and gave them to Roman and climbed in the drivers seat.

"I'm driving" Paige said starting up the car and Seth came running out "wait for me!' He shouted then climbed in the front as Roman and i where sat in the back.

"Ahhh! This is all your fault REIGNS!' I screamed at him. "Nope, it takes two to tango Missy!" He snapped back at me.

"You're right and i tell you what, you come near me again with that thing then it will be the last time you see your dick before i cut it off and feed it to the fucking sharks!" I growled at him through gritted teeth and he looked at me scared.

"You serious?" He said grabbing his dick. "Nah, i thought I'd just say it for the fun of it, of course i am fucking serious!" I say snapping at him.

"Wow, babe that hurts" he said sadly and i suddenly felt bad. "Oh my god babe, I'm sorry i didn't mean it. I'm in pain and it hurts like hell. Please forgive me"  i said as i grabbed his hand in mine giving it a little squeeze.

"I forgive you baby, I'm sorry i love you" he said. "I love you too" i said and we shared a sweet loving kiss. We pulled away as i felt another sharp pain came along, only this time it was stronger and longer.

"Ow! Fuck a duck!" I screamed out holding my baby bump. "Its OK baby we are nearly there, just breath" he started "breath in and out slowly to calm down the pain" he said and helped me through the breathing.

Roman's Pov:

We was in the car on our way to the hospital as Miley is in labor. I'm so scared that something has gone wrong, am i doing everything right?.

"Miley baby, copy me with the breathing" i said and started the breathing again. I was rubbing her back and bump trying to calm her down. "Its OK baby we are nearly there, don't worry" i said calming her.

"Step on it Paige!" She yelled. "Ok calm down back there. She is going as fast as she can" Seth said. "Shut it Rollins before i turn your face inside out!" Miley said snapping at Seth.

"Oh boy. She has gone into bitch mode" Paige said. "Don't get me started with you goth girl!" Miley said snapping at Paige.  "Oh come on! sort your girl out Reigns!" Seth said.

"Erm, for me to get my dick chopped off and fed to the sharks? No thank you I'm good!" I said not wanting my head chewed off by my women again.

"Good point" Seth said. We soon arrived at the hospital parking lot. Paige parked the car up and i helped Miley out and put her into the wheelchair and i wheeled her inside. Seth and Paige followed us in.

I gave Miley's name in at the desk and she was soon wheeled into a room of her own ready to give birth.

Paige gave me the bags "Thanks, i keep you updated, just wait in the waiting room" I said and she nodded.

They went and sat down in the waiting room and i went back into the room where Miley was.


I want comments on these chapters please. I would like to know what you think of the chapters and also of the characters. Who is your favorite character so far?.

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