Wedding Day Part 2

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|Same Day|
|Wedding Reception|

Miley's Pov:

After we had some special pics taken for our personal wedding album it was party time! Roman and I waited at the doors of the reception hall for our names to be called. Roman lifted my hand and kissed the back of it as my diamond eternity band sparkled.

"All right everyone! It's time to introduce the couple of the hour!" I heard Dean say from inside. "Oh fuck I hope he doesn't screw this up," I heard Roman mutter. "I'm sure he'll be fine," I said squeezing Roman's hand.

"May I introduce, for the first time in public, Mr and Mrs Roman Reigns!" we heard Dean say and we walked inside to a shower of purple white and silver confetti! Roman shook his head hard sending confetti falling to the floor from his hair as I picked it out of mine.

We walked to the bridal party table where Paige Renee Seth and Dean sat waiting for us. Roman pulled my chair out for me and I carefully sat down trying not to ruin the skirt of my wedding dress. Roman sat down beside me his hand landing squarely on my knee.

Beside my chair on the other side was Lexi's stroller. She was fast asleep. She wore a light purple dress and white tights with a matching headband around her head. Her hair, the same color as Roman's, laid softly across her forehead.

A waiter set glasses of champagne down in front of me and Roman and I saw him make a face. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I don't like the taste of champagne," he said. Seth heard him and grabbed a waiter. The champagne disappeared and a vodka and Mt Dew appeared in its place. "Thanks bro!" Roman said to Seth.

Dean took a mic from the DJ and turned to face us. "All right y'all it's time for Roman and Miley's first dance!" he said and Roman stood up and took my hand. We walked out onto the dance floor and our song "Love Me Like You Do" started playing.

Roman took me into his arms and I laid my head on his chest as we started dancing. I felt so warm and safe in his embrace. "Every dream I've had leading up to this moment has come true baby," Roman said to me just before he kissed me.

I kissed him back as I looked up into his gorgeous dark brown eyes. "So have mine," I said as we swayed to the music.

The song ended as Roman dipped me backwards and kissed me. Everyone clapped and cheered as we walked back to the table. Paige was holding Lexi on her lap. "She woke up while you were dancing," she said passing the baby to me.

Lexi smiled at me and grabbed her daddy's finger. Roman eased it away when he saw her go to bite it. "No no baby girl don't bite Daddy," he scolded gently. Lexi's face crumpled and she started crying.

"She must be hungry," I said and went to get her bottle from her diaper bag. Lexi reached out to grab it as soon as she saw it. I laid her back in my arm and she started drinking.

Roman's Pov:

I sat and watched my wife feeding our daughter and the smile on my face was so big it felt like it was splitting my face in two. Today was definitely the best day of my life hands down.

I downed the rest of my drink and a fresh one appeared without me having to ask for it. I took a sip as Paige stood up. She unfolded a piece of paper and looked right at me and Miley who was burping Lexi.

"First of all I wanna say congratulations to the two of you. You finally made it official!" Paige began and everyone clapped. Miley gave her a smile. "Now when I was asked to give a maid of honor speech I'm not afraid to tell y'all I was scared. What could I possibly say about the sexiest couple in the WWE that hasn't already been said?"

I chuckled at that. "Well Miley is the sister I never had. She's been there for me through a lot. I love her so much," Paige said and her voice cracked a little. "Awe," Miley said tearing up herself. I felt my eyes water a little as well. "Then there's Joe, or Roman as everyone knows him. Wow I have to say that he is truly Miley's knight in shining armor. He loves her so much. Whenever you say her name, his eyes just sparkle," Paige said.

I felt my cheeks heat up as Seth and Dean snorted back laughter. "Roman is my brother from another mother so to speak. He treats me and Renee like sisters and he's the best big brother I could ever wish for! I love you both!"

Paige sat down then and Seth stood up. "Oh fuck.....," I muttered. I had no idea what Seth was gonna say but I had the feeling it was gonna be crazy. "First of all I want to say welcome to our crazy lil family Miley. You're a beautiful rose among us thorns," Seth said holding up his beer. We all toasted Miley with that.

"Now there's a lot I could say about Roman. Stories that would cause you all to run for the hills. But I'll save those for another time. Roman friended me the first day we started in NXT. Along with Dean we were the three musketeers. Nothing could come between us then.....and that hasn't changed after all these years. Ro you are the best brother I could ever ask for. And Miley is  the best sis in law. I love you both. Congrats!" Seth said raising his beer.

I raised my drink and nodded at him with a smile. We partied all night and danced til we thought our feet were gonna fall off from overuse! I was the happiest man alive now....I was married to the love of my life and we were about to start a new chapter in our life. I wouldn't have it any other way and you can BELIEVE THAT!!!

Thanks for reading, that was the last chapter of the book which means this book is completed!. Read my other books please and they're part two coming to the other books also. Enjoy many thanks. Love ya all!!

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