Raw: Building Up For Wrestlemania!

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|Next Night|

Roman's Pov:

We have just arrived at the arena for Raw, it's starting the build up for Wrestlemania. Things are gonna get fired up!.

"You Ok babe? You seemed distracted ever since last night when i said i wanted to try for another baby" I said to Miley. She looked at me "I'm fine, i'm just in shock still. I want another one too but now it ain't the time for another one. We have too much going on as it is". "I understand that babe, but just remember i'm always here for you and i ain't going no where" I say then pulled her into me.

"I know babe and i thank you for that" She said as she lays her head down on my chest and i leaned down placing a kiss on her head with my arms wrapped around her "I love you Miley, I hope you know that. You are mine for life believe that" I said caressing her cheek. She nodded with a slight smile and tears starting to stream in her beautiful brown eyes.

"Babe please don't cry, you'll get me started" I say holding her close to me. "Sorry baby, i'm just lucky to have you not just as my lover but as my best friend" She says looking up into my eyes. I looked into hers "You are mine too baby and it will stay that way forever" I said then leaned down and kissed her passionately, she kissed me back.

After a few minutes we pulled a part catching our breaths "We have to get ready for Raw, it's going to be huge tonight" I said. "I agree" She said.

We started getting changed for Raw "I'm gonna get my hair and make up done" Miley said. "Ok babe i'll come with you" I say and she nodded with a smile. Then we left the locker room and headed to hair and make up.

We got their and they started curling Miley's hair as the other one started on her make up. Damn she always look so beautiful all the time with and without make up. "There you go all done and ready to go" They said. "Thanks girls" Miley said hopping off the chair and looking in the mirror smiling.

"Look great babe" I said taking her hand in mine and she smiled "Thanks babe. Ok lets go". We left and headed to catering to get something to eat. We needed something for our energy tonight lol. After we ate we got up and left and went back to our locker room.

We chilled out for a bit spending some time alone together before Raw starts. Tonight is going to be big as we are on the road to Wrestlemania baby!.

*Jump To Raw*

Miley's Pov:

Alexa was in the ring running her mouth about me and how i won't take back the title and how she will kick my ass at Wrestlemania! Let's see about that shall we!.

"You see boys and girls, Miley won't take this (Pointing to her title wrapped around her skinny little waist) At Wrestlemania cause i will make sure she won't and that's a damn promise!" she said and the crowd boos. "That's if she even makes it to Wrestlemania!" Alexa added.

My theme song plays through out the arena sending the crowd wild. I come walking out with a mic in my hand "Alexa Bitch! First of all don't go making promises that you can't keep and secondly I'm coming to kick your ass and sending it straight back down to hell where you came from!" I say dropping the mic and running down to the ring.

The crowd was cheering so loud to the point where the roof almost flew off the arena. I ran into the ring spearing Alexa's ass down to the mat and started throwing punches at her from left to right.

Alexa soon flipped us and started punching and slapping me across the face. I finally kicked her off of me and rolled out of the ring to get some space. She climbed out of the ring and grabbed me swinging me hard into the steel steps. I hit my head hard to the point i started to see black.

I felt her still kicking me and punching me "Stop it now Alexa! That's enough!" I heard voices of the officials say.

The next thing i felt was being hit harder with the steel steps on the back of my head. That was it everything went black. I was knocked out cold!.

Roman's Pov:

I was backstage watching everything on the monitor "Shit! I better go out there, she seems really hurt!" I said worried and then i ran out to Miley.

I ran over to her "Miley baby? Can you hear me?" I say bending down by her. She didn't respond at all. Shit she is out of it, this wasn't meant to happen, It wasn't even scripted. Alexa tried to come at her again "Back off Alexa! you did enough, she is hurt bad she isn't responding no thanks to you!!" I shouted at her.

Officials were down at ringside holding Alexa back with a smirk on her face as the trainers and i are trying to help Miley "Baby come on please wake up!" I say holding her. Tears are starting to fall from my eyes, I don't wanna lose her. I rubbed the back of her head and felt wetness on my hand. I looked and saw blood "Fuck! she bleeding!". "We need to get her to the back now, she needs help and fast!" One of the trainers says.

Alexa got took backstage as i picked Miley up and carried her in my arms heading backstage. Blood was dripping down from her head and she was still out cold. Oh god i hope she is going to be Ok.

Authors Pov:

Miley got brought backstage into the trainers room, She got laid down on the table and one of the trainers looked her over. She had at least 15 stitches put in the back of her head.

"She has concussion and its pretty bad, She is knocked out" The trainer said. "Is she going to be ok though?" Roman asked. "Yes but she won't be able to compete for at least a couple of weeks. She needs to rest up" They said. "What about Wrestlemania? Will she be able to Wrestle for that?" Roman said. "That depends, she needs serious rest. She just might be able to make it for Wrestlemania" They said and Roman nodded.

"I will look after her, i won't leave her side" He said. "Good but she does need to go to the hospital now and have a few test done" The trainer said. "Ok i'm going with her, fuck Raw! My fiance needs me right now" Roman said.

They took Miley out on the stretcher and loaded her on to the back of the ambulance and headed straight to the hospital. Roman was by her side and was never leaving it either.

Roman had tears in his eyes staring down at a lifeless body of Miley "Please be Ok baby, I don't wanna lose you" He sniffles "You will kick Alexa's ass when you get through this i know you will and become the new Raw Women's champion at Wrestlemania, cause i believe in you baby" He said letting the tears fall down from his eyes holding Miley's hand.

Another chapter i would want a lot of comments on this chapter please. I wanna know what y'all think of this chapter. Thank you.

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