Wedding Day Part 1

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|A Week Later|

Roman's Pov:

I stared at my reflection in the mirror as I shrugged my tuxedo shirt on. Here it was my and Miley's wedding day and well I ain't ashamed to admit that I was a bit nervous. I buttoned up my shirt then grabbed the tie.

Seth caught my eye as he buttoned up his light purple tuxedo vest. He and Dean were wearing purple to match the bridesmaids' dresses while I wore the basic black. "You ok bro?" he asked. "You look like you're about ready to jump out the window."

I chuckled. "Yeah and be murdered by Miley if the fall from the window didn't kill me first," I said. "I'm a little nervous that's all. I'm kissing the single life goodbye but in a way I'm happy I am. I've found the love of my life and I'm ready to live life to the fullest with her."

Seth clapped me on the back. "Seeing you and the love you share almost makes me want to take the plunge myself," her said and I stared at him in disbelief. "I said ALMOST. Damn bro I ain't quite ready for that kind of commitment just yet!"

Dean came up behind us and wrapped his arms around our shoulders. "Ro you picked a good one. Miley is not only sexy as hell," I glared at him when he said this, "she's the only one who's been able to tame you!".

He had a point there. "Well Miley's my angel from heaven. If I didn't have her in my life well I don't know where I'd be right now," I said as I sat down to put my shoes on. "Miley is more than an angel. She's one of a kind. God broke the mold when He made her. And He knew the two of you were perfect for each other," Seth said.

I smiled. "You're right about that bro," I said. Dean handed me a shot glass full of tequila and gave one to Seth. "Courage shot for me and Seth and a "Calm the fuck down" shot for you bro," he said and we clinked the glasses together and I tossed my shot down and shuddered as it burned a path to my stomach.

I grabbed the ring box containing my and Miley's wedding bands and I handed them to Seth. "Boy guard these with your life. If anything happens to them you're toast," I threatened. "No worries bro," Seth said tucking the box into the inside pocket of his tux jacket.

I pulled on my tux jacket and blew out a breath. "I'm ready to make this official. I wanna make Miley mine for life!" I said and Seth and Dean bumped fists with me. "Let's get you married then brotha," Seth said.

Miley's Pov:

I sat in the chair as the hairstylist did my hair for the wedding. Renee and Paige were getting my dress ready. As I looked in the mirror I thought back to everything Roman and I had been through.

I smiled. Roman was the perfect man. He treated me like a princess and he hardly ever raised his voice to me. He was kind sweet funny handsome and sexy, everything I've always wanted in a man. I wondered if he was nervous or excited about marrying me.

The hairstylist finished my hair then Renee walked over to me. "Miley you look so beautiful," she said giving me a gentle hug so she wouldn't mess up my hair and makeup. Paige smiled as we walked over to her. "You ready to slip on your wedding dress?" Paige asked.

"Let's do it," I said and removed my robe. I wore a sheer lacy white strapless bra and bikini cut panties underneath. Renee helped me step into my dress and she and Paige eased it up my body until my tits we're covered by the rhinestone covered bodice. Then Paige eased the zipper up.

"Wow," Paige said as I turned to the floor length mirror, "you look breathtakingly gorgeous!" I smiled as I turned side to side staring at my gown. "Roman's jaw will drop when he sees how beautiful you are!" Renee said.

"I know it will," I said. "I still can't believe I'm marrying the love of my life today. I feel like I'm dreaming." Paige, being a brat, pinched me hard on my arm. "OW!" I screeched glaring at her. "Let's get you married shall we?" Renee asked and I nodded.

Author's Pov:

Everyone was seated as Renee and Paige made their way down the aisle. Then the wedding march began and Miley walked down the aisle to Roman who was blinking back happy tears as he held out his hand for her to take. After Miley handed her bouquet to Paige they turned to face the priest.

"Dearly beloved, we are here to witness the joining of Roman and Miley in holy matrimony.

"Roman please repeat after me: I Roman take you Miley as my lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, til death do you part."

Roman took Miley's hands and said,  "I Roman take you Miley as my lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, til death do we part."

The priest turned to Miley. "Miley please repeat after me: I Miley take you Roman as my lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, til death do we part."

Miley smiled at Roman then said, I Miley take you Roman as my lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, til death do we part."

The priest asked for the rings and Seth handed them to him. "Roman place the ring on Miley's finger and repeat after me: With this ring I thee wed."

Roman placed Miley's ring on her finger and said, "With this ring I there wed." The priest instructed Miley to do the same. She placed Roman's ring on his finger and said, With this ring I thee wed."

"With the power vested in me by the state of Florida I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss your bride!" Roman lifted Miley's veil and gave her the sweetest kiss.

"May I introduce Mr and Mrs Roman Reigns!!" the priest and everyone clapped and cheered as Roman and Miley walked back up the aisle.

Roman's Tux

Miley's Dress

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