Family Time!

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|2 Days Later|

Roman's Pov:

We are home and going to be chilling for the rest of the day. We have been so busy and haven't managed to have any family time together. So today is officially going to be Family Time Day!.

"Hey babe since it's nice and hot and we have a few days off, we should have a BBQ tomorrow and invite the guys and girls?" Miley asked me. "Sounds like a great idea babe, OK that's what we will do" I said agreeing. "Great" She said then went back to cooking lunch.

"I was thinking after we had eaten lunch, we could have some family time in the pool, Lexi can be held in our arms or have her in a baby float" I said. "Sure, sounds good to me" She said cutting up the salad.

Lexi started crying "I got her babe, you keep making lunch" I said then went into the living room and picked a crying Lexi up out of her travel cot "Is someone hungry?" I said then smelt her bum "And dirty" I laid her down on the changing mat and changed her dirty nappy. "There you go, all nice and clean, now lets get your bottle shall we?" I said then picked her up and carried her into the kitchen.

I got into the kitchen "She is hungry and had a dirty ass" I said with a chuckle. I carried her over to the fridge and grabbed one of her bottle with Miley's breast milk in it and took it to the microwave to heat up for 40 seconds. Once that was done i sat down in a chair at the table and started feeding Lexi.

Miley was still making lunch "I think she will sleep after that bottle so she won't be in the pool with us, but we can out her in her buggy for her to sleep in outside so we can still keep an eye on her" She said. "Yeah that sounds better" I said.

Lexi drank half of the bottle, so burped her and gave her the rest of the bottle. She was holding on to my finger, she was so adorable my little princess. I have two special girls to love forever, my family.

I finished feeding Lexi and burped her one more time then laid her back down in my arms and she felt right back to sleep. "She looks so cute the way she sleeps, she reminds me of you" I said smiling down at Lexi as i was talking to Miley. "You think so?" Miley asked.

"Yeah, just that she looks like your double" I said. "She looks like you too babe" She said. "I know but still" I said with a smile.

"I'm just lucky to have both of you in my life" I said then got up and laid Lexi down in her buggy in the kitchen. She was still fast asleep bless her.

I helped Miley dished up our lunch on to plates, We sat down and started eating. We ate our lunch and about 20 minutes later we cleaned up the kitchen putting all the dirty dishes into the dish washer.

Miley's Pov:

Once we was done cleaning up we quickly went up to our bedroom and got changed into our swim wear. "Already baby?" Roman asked me staring at me in my swim wear. "All set babe, lets go and have some fun" I said giving him a wink making him grin.

He grabbed me picking me up and carrying me down the stairs into the kitchen. I giggled "Put me down now babe i have to get Lexi to take her out with us". "OK babe" He said laughing and putting me down.

I grabbed a hold of Lexi's buggy and pushed her outside into the back yard. Roman followed behind me carrying our towels. I park Lexi's buggy by our garden table and chairs and put the breaks on so she couldn't go anywhere.

Roman put the towels down on the chair then ran past me jumping into the pool. He came up to the surface "The water is great babe! come on jump in!".

I grinned "Alright fine, watch out!" I said then ran and jumped driving into the pool splashing Roman. I ca,e up to the surface seeing Roman giving me a look wiping his face "What? i did say watch out" I said with a laugh then splashed him again.

Roman chuckled then quickly grabbed a hold of me, I was gigging. "You are so going to wish you haven't done that now babe" He said then ducked me under the water. I tired to break free but i couldn't, he was too strong. I saw his swim trunks then i took advantaged and yanked them down making him letting go of me.

"Hey! Not fair!" He said laughing as i came back up to the top and i was laughing myself. "You shouldn't of done that then should ya?" I said then i saw the look in his eyes "Oh shit!" I said and quickly swam over to the other side of the pool.

"I'm gonna get you! Get back here!" He said chuckling. "Nope! Come and get me Big Dog!" I said still swimming away from him. He finally caught up to me and got a a hold of me, holding onto me tight and pulled me close to him and leaned in and kissed me hard on my lips.

I kissed him back, we shared a hot wet passionate kiss. After a few seconds we pulled apart looking into each others eyes "I love you Miley" He said. "I love you too Roman" I said with a smile.

We both leaned in and shared another sweet hot passionate kiss but this time it was longer and hotter as we was feeling each other up. He started untying me bikini top letting it drop as he is still kissing me.

He started pressing kisses on my neck down to my tits "Mmm Roman" I moaned softly throwing my head back. "You like that baby?" He asked in between kisses on my breast. "Yeah baby" I moaned. "Good" He said then took a nipple into his mouth and started sucking on it as he playing with the other one in his hand.

After a few minutes he stopped and got us both completely naked and we had oral sex then it lead to us fucking hard and rough in the swimming pool. Damn it felt so fucking amazing!. We lasted 20 minutes and ye we did go for round 2 30 minutes after round 1. We was on fire today, we sure did needed it.

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