Raw: After Wrestlemania

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|Next Night|

Miley's Pov:

I was in the locker room getting ready with Roman, I was tying up my boots as Roman was putting his vest on. "You ready for this baby?" Roman spoke up.

"Yep all set and ready to go babe" I said getting up from my seat. "Well let's go" He said taking my hand and leading me to the door.

I've already been to hair and make up and got my hair and make up done before i got ready into my ring gear earlier.

We walked to the gorilla and waited for our Que, I was kicking of Raw tonight. This should be fun, I'm ready to kick some asses that comes flying towards me. I'm the Champ and it will stay that way for a very long time!.

My music hits and i gave Roman a quick kiss before i walked on out to a load of cheers. i walked down the ramp with my title over my shoulder. I climbed into the ring grabbing a mic.

I stood in the middle of the ring adjusting my title over my shoulder listening to the fans cheer for me louder and louder brought a smile on my face. I brought the mic to my lips and was about to talk but the fans kept cheering for me louder then ever chanting "You Deserve It!".

I laughed with a smile as i brought the mic to my lips once again "Thank you all so much, that means a lot to me" i said as they carried on cheering.

"I did exactly what i said i would do to Alexa Bliss last night at Wrestlemania. I sent that bitch straight down to hell and took back what was rightfully mine.... this...(Holds up the Women's Championship) My WWE Raw Women's Championship!" I said proudly as the crowd cheered.

"So i am gonna be your fighting Champion, so if there are any new comers that wants this, you have to come through me first so bring it on!" I roared into the mic staring at the ramp.

Alexa Bliss music hits and comes walking out with a mic in hand looking hurt. The crowd was booing her. "Miley i might be hurt but that isn't going to stop me from kicking your ass. Last night was a fluke, You got lucky bitch!" Alexa said walking down the ramp and climbing into the ring.

She got right in my face "So i am so not finish with you yet!" She yelled into the mic. I snorted back a laugh "Oh is that right?" I said and she nodded. "Well let's go then bitch. I ain't afraid to knock your head off!" I yelled back at her into the mic.

Baron Corbin's music played and came running out into the ring and grabbing a mic "Whoa whoa! watch your damn mouth when your talking to the goddess!!" Baron said.

I laughed "Goddess? I pretty much killed that last night!" I said. "You think your all that don't you? Well your not, Your just a little bitch who needs to be taught a lesson!" He said.

I snorted back a laugh then swung my fist back and punched Baron square in the jaw sending him flat on his ass. Alexa tried to swing for me but i blocked it and gave her a punch to the face sending her down on her ass next to Baron.

Roman's Pov:

I saw all what went down in the ring and Baron was about to go after Miley, So i told the stage manager to play my music and i went on running out there.

I ran into the ring and turned Baron around and punched him "Yo what the fuck you think your doing man! Don't ever touch MY women!" I yelled and punched him again sending his ass down to the mat.

Alexa and Miley was going at it while Baron and I was going at it, The referees came running out to try and break up the fight.

Triple H music played and came walking out with a mic in his hand "Stop this right now! We are gonna settle this!" Triple H yelled into the mic and we all stopped and turned to face him standing at the top of the ramp.

"We will settle this tonight! We will have a main event, It will be a mixed tag team match! It will be Alexa Bliss and Baron Corbin VS Miley and Roman Reigns! Now get out of my ring! We have a match to take place next!" He said then walked backstage.

Miley and i left the ring and walked up the ramp with Alexa and Baron walking behind us. We all walked backstage and headed to our locker rooms.

Miley and i got to our locker room and we sat down on the couch "Wow i can't believe that has just happened out there tonight" I said still trying to calm down.

"I know babe, least we get to team up and kick both of their asses teaching them both a lesson they never learned before" Miley said putting her head on my chest and i put my arms around her. "True baby, they will never forget this lesson!" I said. "I love you" I say and kissed her head. "I love you too babe" She said.

*Match: Alexa Bliss & Baron Corbin vs Miley & Roman Reigns!*

Alexa and Baron was already in the ring waiting for Miley and i. My music hits and i came walking out down to the ring and climbed in. Miley's music played and walked out and walked down to the ring. I helped her in.

The referee called for the bell so Miley and I looked at each other with a smirk then we both charged at both Baron and Alexa and speared their asses down to the mat. We pinned them for the win.

"And your winners of this match.... Miley and Roman Reigns!" JoJo announced. The referee held our hands up in victory as my music played.

I hugged Miley then leaned down and kissed her passionately on the lips. She kissed me back, "I love you so much baby" I said. "I love you so much more babe" Miley said.

We let go of each other and both held our titles up high above our heads as the fans cheered for us. We are your WWE Couple Champions, We run this yard now! Believe That!.

A New Diva In Town Part 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant