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|The Night|

Roman's Pov:

After for a long ass busy week it has been for us, It is finally the day of Wrestlemania. Miley and i both have very important matches of our career.

I was in my dressing room putting on my vest as Miley was at hair and make up. I did my vest up then started putting my boots on. I tied them up then my locker room door opened, I looked up to see Miley walking in.

"Hey baby, you alright?" I asked getting up and walking over to her giving her a little kiss on the lips as i wrapped my arms around her waist.

She kissed me back "Yeah i'm fine babe, just getting fired up for my match. I just can't wait to slap her pretty little plastic head off and take back what's mine and what i have never lost".

"You'll do great baby. I'll be watching and cheering you on" I said with a smile. She smiled back "Thanks babe".

"You're welcome babygirl, I love you so much" I said and kissed her again. "I love you so much too" She said kissing me back.

"Come on babe lets sit down and watch the beginning of the show, our matches are not till last anyways" I said leading her over to the couch.

"Ok babe, but i do have an interview to do soon though" She said sitting down on the couch beside me. "I know you do babe, I have one too not long after your match" I said turning on the TV.

We sat there watching the beginning of the show which was Seth and Dean vs Chad and Bobby Rhode for the Raw Tag team titles. "Come on Seth and Dean!" Miley cheered. "I'm sure they will win and become the new tag team champs" I said. "I know that but i'm cheering for my boys alright" She said with a laugh.

I chuckled "Ok i'll let you off" I said joining with the laugh. We kept watching the match and it ended with Seth and Dean picking up the win and now the new Raw Tag Team Champions!. "Woooo!" Miley screamed out. "Yes! That's my brothers!" I said cheering.

*Towards The End Of The PPV*

"Hi, I'm Charlie and i am currently standing by with... Miley!.". Charlie said as i we popped up on the screen and the crowd was cheering loud!. "Hey Miley, I just wanna get your thoughts on your match tonight with Alexa Bliss?" Charlie said. "Well Charlie like everything i have said on Raw i meant it. I will be sending Alexa Bliss back down to hell and i will take back what i have not lost! So if you excuse me, I have a bitch ass that i need to kick" I said then walked away.

*WWE Raw Women's Championship Match*

Me and Alexa was already in the ring and the match was under way.

I had Alexa in the corner throwing hard blow punches at her and i got backed away from the ref. She came charging at me and i just did a hard drop kick to her face sending her backwards into the corner again. So i charged at her with a spear to her mid-section sending her back hitting off the ropes in the corner.

*End Of The Match*

Alexa and i both was down on the mat, So i crawled to the corner of the ropes and got set up for the spear. She started to get up to her feet and still swaying. i ran at her and speared her ass hard down to the mat and pinned her for the win.

The Ref called for the bell and my music started playing. "And your winner of this match and your new WWE Raw Women's Champion.... Miley!!!" JoJo announced. The ref handed my my title and raised my hand up in victory.

Roman's Pov:

I was standing by with Charlie, Just got done watching Miley's match. "Well Roman your fiance Miley has just pulled on a such awesome match out their and won!" Charlie said. "Charlie, I always knew that she had it in her to win. I've always believed in her, she is one strong women" I said. "Ok Roman your about to face the beast Brock Lesnar and your title is on the line. What's going through your head right now?" Charlie asked.

"Well what's on my mind right now is going out there kicking Brock Lesnar's ass once again and contain my championship then off out to party with the love of my life Miley" I said. "Ok thanks Roman" She said. "No problem" I said then walked away.

I met up with Miley in the gorilla "Hey baby, well done. I'm so proud of you. You did great!" I said hugging her and kissing her at the same time. She giggled kissing me back with a hug "Thanks baby, good luck for your match. Go out there and kick some ass" She said.

"Oh i will baby, then after i win we will have a little party of our own" I said winking at her making her giggle. "See you after your match babe" She said. "Ok baby i love you" I said then kissed her again. "I love you too" She said kissing me back.

*WWE Universal Championship Match*

Both Brock and I was in the ring having our match. I had the whole beginning of it in my favor till Brock reversed and did multiples of F5's on me.

*The End Of The Match*

I had hit Brock with at least 4 superman punches in a row leaving him down on one knee. So i backed up into the corner did my battle cry then he soon got up and i charged at him with a battered spear sending him hard down to the mat. I covered him for a pin and got the win.

The ref called for the bell and my music played "And your winner of this match. Still your WWE Universal Champion..... Roman Reigns!!!!" JoJo announced. The ref handed me my title and raised my hands up in victory.

Miley's theme song hit and came walking out in a nice sexy short dress with her title. I held the bottom rope down for her and she climbed in and jumped in my arms giving me a big soft wet kiss on my lips "Congratulations baby!" She said. I smiled "Thanks baby, couldn't do it without you" I said then gave her a much longer needed kiss.

We pulled apart and celebrated with the crowd. After that we parted by ourselves in our hotel room all night... if you catch my drift! :P

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