Back On The Road!

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Roman's Pov:

Well here we are again back on the road heading to Miami Florida for Raw tomorrow night. It seems like a ride along with Miley in the front with me and Seth, Paige, Dean and Renee are in the back.

"Should we play a game to make this ride along fun?" Seth said. Miley turned her head around "Seriously? Again? We did this before and it didn't go to good thanks to Dean!" She said giving Dean a glare. "Whoa calm down there Smiley Miley" Dean said looking a bit scared.

Paige laughed "Hey this time will be different since now he's been laid since then and has a girl now". I chuckled "Now that is true". "Alright fine, go ahead and choose a game" Miley said turning back around to face the road.

"Alright let me think..." Seth said. We all waited for him to choose one "Oh come on, i'll be 6 ft under by the time you choose a damn game" Renee said and we all laughed. "Ok don't get your panties in a twist" Seth said and Dean smacked Seth on the back of his head "Ow! what the hell was that for? We ain't on TV now you know" Seth said.

"You guys just crack me up, your like a married couple i swear" I said laughing my ass off. "Ain't that the truth" Paige added laughing.

"Do me a favor and don't ever say that again" Dean said chuckling. "Yeah what he said" Seth said and Dean smacked him again. "Again? Ow! what's with the smacks? I haven't been a bad boy!" Seth said rubbing the back of his head.

"No you haven't but you keep on being a fucking smart ass though" Paige said. "Yeah what she said" Dean added then Renee smacked Dean across the back of his head "Ow! Babe? What did i do?!" Dean said rubbing his head. "You being a smart ass too! No sex for a week" Renee said crossing her arms.

"Aw so not fair, please don't do this to me babe" Dean said sadly. I just sat there driving and laughing to myself. "Shut it Reigns, you wouldn't like it if Miley did the same thing to you" Dean said angrily. "Actually i'll be the one that couldn't go with out his cock inside of me" Miley added giggling and i looked at her with a smirk "Oh really babe?". She nodded giving me a grin.

"Alright lets play kiss, marry and push of the cliff" Seth said finally picking a game. "Ok you start off then" I said and the other agreed with me.

"Ok Roman your first, Paige, Sasha and Alexa" Seth said and both me and Miley shot him a evil look "What?" He said. "Seriously? I would push all of them off the damn cliff" I said. "Hey!" Paige shouted. "Alright except Paige" I said. "Thank you!" She said.

"Alright let me change Paige to Miley" Seth added. "Now that is better... i would push both Sasha and Alexa of the cliff and i would kiss and marry the love of my life Miley" I said. "Awe babe how sweet but you are only saying that cause i'm right beside ya" She said laughing.

"Nope, i mean it" I said. "Sure Ok" She said. " Your go Ro" Dean said. "Dean? Miley, Paige and Renee" I said. "Fuck! i'd kiss Miley and Marry Renee and push Paige here off the cliff" He said. "You won't ever kiss MY Women!" I said. "Yeah and you won't ever push MY Women off the damn cliff" Seth added.

"What the fuck, i was only saying cause of what names you gave me. It won't actually happen apart from me marrying Renee one day" Dean said and Renee smiled at him with surprised. "Ok we will let you off this time" I said and we all laughed.

"Your go now Deano" Paige said. "Ok erm.. babe? Me, Seth and Roman" Dean asked Renee.  She gave him a look "What he fuck! I just marry you and i won't kiss or push no one off the cliff" She said. "Good answer" Miley said laughing. "Thanks chick! Paige your next. Triple H, Shawn Michaels and...... John Cena?" Renee Said.

"Oh easy one, I kiss John Cena, marry Shawn Michaels and push Triple H off the cliff with honor" Paige said. "Nice one babe but you be marrying me not the sexy boy who isn't the sexy boy no more cause i have taken over" Seth said with a chuckle. "Well duh!" Paige said  and i looked at Seth "Nope, i'm the sexy one now and that ring is now my yard so beat that Rollins".

Miley's Pov: 

Seth didn't say anything, it all went quite for a few minutes till someone decided to break the silence.   "This ride along is better then the last time i must say" I said laughing. "I agree with you baby" Roman said reaching for my hand as he still was driving us to Miami for Raw tomorrow night. "We should be nearly here by now" Dean said. "Ya think?!" I said shaking my head.

"Another 10 minutes and we will be at the hotel, be patient Dean. I swear you are a kid at times" Roman said. "I feel sorry for Renee who has to mother him most of the time" Seth said and we all laughed a part from Dean. "Hey! not true, stop picking on me god damn it!" Dean said getting annoyed.

"Well deal with it or lump it, your choice Deano!" I said then my phone bleep. I grabbed it out of my pocket and saw notifications on Twitter. I flicked through my twitter notifications and feeds, I replied to some of my fans and posted a tweet 'Back on the road with the lovely fiance and the crazy ass people, still gotta love them though! lol'.

I put my phone back into my pocket and looked at Roman "What?". "Your just so beautiful you know that?" He said and i giggled "So i have heard so many times".

"Well it's true though baby" Roman said holding my hand and it made me smile "Thanks babe, I love you so much". "I love you more Miley, you truly are my one and only" Roman said rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.

He just melts my heart, he is so sweet. He truly does love me and really cares, he is the best thing that happened to me besides Lexi. Lexi is with Roman's Mom and Dad at the moment while we are on the road.

Roman pulls up into the hotel parking lot parking up the car. We all get out, Roman helped me out of course and we grab our bags and headed inside to check in.

We checked in and headed up yo our rooms. I'm in with Roman as Dean is with Renee and Seth is in with Paige. "We all will meet up later for dinner Ok? 7 pm" Roman said and they nodded and went into their rooms.

Roman and i went into our room and got settled in and relaxed until it was time to head out for dinner with the others.

"I love you Miley" Roman said walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Awe i love you too Roman" I said smiling. "I know this is soon but.... I want to try for another baby" He said and my eyes went wide in total shock. I was speechless.....

I would like a lot of comments on this chapter please. Let me know what y'all think and what you think of the characters. Who are your favourite?

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