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|Same Night|

Roman's Pov:

I was waiting in the waiting room as the Doctors was seeing to Miley. I was shaking and worrying about my lovely fiance. I had tears in my eyes, I couldn't believe what had just happened tonight. If it wasn't for that bitch Alexa, Miley wouldn't be here right now. My mind was full of thoughts and worries.

If anything happens to Miley like if i lose her, god knows what i will do. I couldn't live without the love of my life and Lexi, what about our precious princess? She can not have a Mom in her life. It will break her little sweet heart when she grows up.

I was soon knocked out of my thoughts when the door opened and in walked the Doctor "Mr Reigns?". I stood up from my chair "Yes that's me". "Miley has a serious head injury, she has a concussion and right now she is in a coma from losing too much blood from getting hit in the back of her head pretty harshly" The Doctor said and i fell straight back down in my chair with my hands over my face.

Letting the tears fall down from my eyes "She is going to be Ok though.... right?" I asked hoping she will. "We won't know anymore till she wakes up" The Doctor said and I nodded letting the tears stream down my face even more "Can i see her..... please?". "Of course you can" The Doctor said and i got up and followed him to Miley's hospital room.

We got there and walked in "Talk to her, she can hear you" The Doctor says before leaving the room. I turned to look at Miley, seeing her laying in the bed with her eyes shut and seeing her lifeless body. I started to cry harder as i walked over to the bed and sat down in the chair beside her bed.

I grabbed a hold of her hand "Miley baby, I know you can hear me. Just please fight this not only for me but for our daughter Lexi" I say holding her hand and rubbing the back of it. "I love you Miley, I can't lose you. We have so much to fight for and we are getting married in a few more weeks". Tears start to fall harder, I wiped my eyes and sniffed.

"Baby please you have to wake up and let me know that you are Ok..." I heard the monitor bleeping loudly "What's going on?!" I asked scared and the Doctors came running in "Sir you have to wait outside, I'm sorry" One of the Doctors said pushing me out of the room.

I stood outside looking through the window to see what was going on. They started their work on Miley, I was confused and more so scared at the same. No this can't be it, I can't be losing her. Oh god help her please!.

After 10 minutes the Doctors came back out "Ok, we have saved her and everything is fine. You may go back in now" One of the Doctors say to me and i nodded still scared and i walked back in and sat beside her. My beautiful fiance laying there and she doesn't even know where she is or what is even going on. I nearly lost her then, thank you god for saving my baby!.

I grabbed a hold of her hand again giving it a little kiss on the back of her hand and i felt her squeeze it gently. I was shocked "Baby? you can hear m, Squeeze my hand again to let me know that you are Ok and safe please..." I said waiting for her to respond.

She squeezed my hand gently again to let me know that she is Ok and safe. I felt tears still falling down my cheeks "I love you babygirl, I'm here for you and we will fight this together no matter what" I said as i was watching her hoping she would wake up. I leaned over to kiss her on her forehead and giving it a little stroke.

Miley's Pov: 

I could hear Roman's voice and him crying, I felt like i wanted to cry myself. I don't know where the hell i was but all i do know is that i'm somewhere in the pitch black. I tried to open my eyes so i could see Roman and tell him I love him too and that i will be Ok and will fight this. I squeezed his tightly. "Come on babygirl you can do this, I believe in you baby. Please find the light and follow to the sound of my voice" I hear Roman say.

I looked towards the light and followed it with the sound of Romans voice crackling. "Come on baby you got this, fight it you are stronger then what they are" Roman said i started to run towards the light. I just wanna wake up and be in Roman's arms, I want to kiss him. I can not live without him. So i fought it and ran faster towards the sound of his voice "I'm right here baby, come to me. I'll be waiting for you when you wake up" He said as he cried.

I couldn't bare to hear him cry like that, I just wanna hold him and tell him everything will be Ok. I got towards the light and i could still hear him calling for me to wake up "Babe please do this for me, our daughter, our family". I soon slowly opened my eyes and saw Roman sitting there crying looking down at the floor with his hand in mine. I squeezed it softly.

"R-Roman?" I finally managed to speak. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes still "Oh my, thank god you're Ok baby. You had me so worried, I thought i was going to lose you" He said getting up and pulling me into a hug, holding me close to him.

"I'm sorry babe, I could hear you and i tried my hardest to wake up sooner" I said burying my face in his chest crying. "Shh shh it's Ok babygirl, It's not your fault and i understand" He said comforting me. He leaned down and gave me a sweet loving kiss on my lips.

I smiled against his lips which he did the same back.  "Lets just focus on getting you better and get you out of here" He said and i nodded with our foreheads touching each other. "Once i'm better and ready to get back in that ring i will make that bitch pay! You can mark my words" I say angrily.

I so want to kill that bitch and send her back to where she came from. "And you will babe that's for damn sure. But you can not compete for a couple of weeks and might make it for Wrestlemania. So lets get you better so you can come back and make that statement happen" He said before kissing my forehead.

The Doctor came in just then "Aw Miley you are finally awake, how are you feeling?" He said walking over to me. "I've been better" I said with a small smile. "Ok, so you are not feeling sick? No headaches no nothing no?" He asked and i shock my head "Nope".

"Ok well we have to still keep you in here for at least a few more hours before you can go home as we need to keep an eye on you to make sure them things doesn't happen. If they don't happen then you can go home later Ok?" He said and i nodded.

"Thanks Doc" I say and he left. "You need anything to eat or drink babe? I will go and get it for you" Roman asked me. "Yes please, I can i have a bottle of cold water and a Chicken sandwich please babe?" I said and he smiled "Ok baby, I'll be right back. You just get some rest, I love you" He said then kissed me.

"I love you too" I say before kissing him back. "I know you do babygirl" He said then left the room to get my food and drink from the cafeteria.

I laid back thinking about what have happened tonight and it just made me more mad then i already was. I was out for revenged, I was out for blood and i am gonna kick that plastic barbie doll's ass and sending it straight back down to hell once and for all and you can BELIEVE THAT!.

I was released 3 hours later, Roman and i headed back to our hotel where we was staying at.  

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