Chapter 1 - A Simple Question

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Quick little note error talks in bold HeLlO Bold and italic together is error thinking i wonder what to do the voices in italics shut up already! And everyone else normal - yo for other thoughts it will be italics in the person's POV.

Error sat upon the Anti-Void's floor knitting a small green doll for a Chara he recently saved. Error felt at peace even with the voices screaming at this.


You don't need to make a stupid doll, you need to destroy!

Your a filthy glitch! Go do your job!

Error nearly shrugged and told them what recently happened, again.

*SiGh.* I tOlD yOu AlReAdY, iNk'S oN bReAk, He DoEsN't KnOw wHat Au To MaKe." I'vE dEsTrOyEd PlEaNtY, aNd I nEeD a BrEaK tOo SoMeTiMeS.

The voices were silent.


Are you in pain?

Error jolted at this question,


They asked if you were in pain dummy.

A tear pricked the edge of his eye socket, the voices never were so nice. It reminded him of a certain skeleton, Blue, and boy, did Error miss Blue.

Oh geez. I'm so so so sorry! Please don't cry!

WhY aRe YoU bEiNg NiCe To Me?


Before the voices could answer, he felt a tiny pain in his SOUL. Ink has created a new AU.

I can give this to the Chara before I destroy this one.


Shut up!

He doesn't need your stupid comments!

Tell him later! He needs to destroy right now!


The voices went silent. Error creates a portal and walked through.

"Error! There you are! A new Chara came flying in because you saved them and now they're worried sick because you didn't visit! Come on!"

The impatient Chara grabbed his hand causing it to glitch out.


They reached the door of a small house Error took to house the Charas.

"Go on."

Inside was a small table with a young looking Chara sniffing as silent tears rolled down her eyes.



The green Chara ran up to hug him. Although she only reached his kneecaps she still hugged him tightly notherless. Error picked her up and gave her the doll.

Her eyes sparkled, "I wov it!"

I guess a few minutes couldn't hurt.

For a moment, only the tiniest moment he felt something he'd never thought he'd feel again...


Ink's POV

"Where is he? He should've already been here. I'm calling Dream."

(Dream - D. Ink - I)

D: What's up Ink?

E: It's Error, he's not here yet can you find him please?

D: Sure. One second.



D: H-he's happy.

I: What?! Where is he?

D: That's the thing! I can feel his emotions +he's never happy+ but I can't find OR sense the AU he's in! I'm sure he'll come around in a few minutes. Just stay there and be prepared for the worst.

I: Ok...

End Call

Yeah right... a few minutes.

506 words yay. That's the end of the first chapter!
I'll probably update very slow because I'm lazy or just don't feel like it.

Ta-ta mah readers!

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