Chapter 6 - End of a Long Bloody Battle

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Sorry I haven't been around! School, finals, all that jazz. Oh yeah, and anime, manga, and really good book series. (I love to read) I'll try and get back to the once a month publishing. And to the story!

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Sci's POV

I don't know what's worst. The fact that Nightmare knows my AU and can portal there or that he can portal to my AU.

"Do...whatever you do. Heal him." Nightmare told me, but he sounded distant, his eye riveted on Error. 

"I-I'll be r-right back." 

Stars why do I have to still sound nervous?!

I left to my office to gather what might help.

Cross's POV (BTW he followed Nightmare into the portal)


No response. 


He was still stock still staring at Error. 

"He's not going to respond. Tell him Sci will need him to leave and it would be better to leave now."

"He'll never believe that."

"Then tell him I told him to leave. Shake his shoulder or something."

I just told CC to shut up, they left. 

I grabbed Nightmare's shoulder, ready to be thrown across the room, but it never happened. 

"Nightmare, we should l-"

"You're right."

I didn't even say anything.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Nightmare didn't get to reply because two things happened.

One, Sci walked back in. 

Two, Error twitched.

Sci's POV

I entered the room to see Nightmare turn his eye to Cross to say something, only for his eye to go back to Error.

I saw it too, he twitched.


A silent pleading order.


Error's breath hitched, Nightmare disappeared. Cross with him.

Error's POV

Well. That's a pain to wake up to. 

Everything hurts and I still don't remember why.

I open my eyes, well try to, there is a way to bright light.


You're awake!

Finally. And before you ask, we think you're in Sci's place.

That's even worst then the pain I'm feeling. 

I open my eyes, silently cursing the light. 

I jolt up...

and lock eyes with Sci.


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