Chapter 5 - Trauma

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Quick little note error talks in bold HeLlO Bold and italic together is error thinking i wonder what to do the voices in italics shut up already! And everyone else normal - yo for other thoughts it will be italics in the person's POV.

(Just a little song that kinda went with Error. At least I think.)

Ink's POV

I'm so stupid. 

Why'd I save him?

I saw some sanses leave, stare in horror, or stare with hatred towards me. What did I do?

Then something jumped on top of me. Nightmare. He began to stab me.


He continued. 

"Stop! It's not my fault!" 


"I didn't know!"


I felt something land on my cheekbone as a begged him to stop. Well, more asked in my opinion.


He was being pulled off of me by the other bad sanses and a few others. (Yeah...he's strong.)

He broke down even more, continuing to cry. He must hate these emotions...I think. I just stood there, what could I do? Blue hugged him.

I couldn't feel remorse, only puzzlement by now.

"Nightmare." I said, more of a statement than a question.


His voice was harsh, I flinched,  don't know why though. It's not like I'm afraid.

"Can you," I sighed, "can you explain? I just can't understand completely."

He beckoned to Sci, and Sci went to Error.

He started to explain, about...a balance? and the way I judged how AUs worked. 

All he doesn't understand  is that's how I made them, how they're suppose to work.

Sci's POV

Nightmare gestured over to Error, he must want me to take a look. I nodded and he turned back to Ink.

I shuddered, first I get the hideous truth, then the FREAKING KING of Nightmares starts crying, and finally, this. As I get closer to Error I can truly see how awful it is. I resist the urge to gag at the sight. 

This was out fault anyway.

I pull out a notebook, open to an empty page and label it Error. I need to know what I'm dealing with when-if we can heal and help him.

Dream's POV

I gathered the courage to try and wake up after my b- Nightmare left.

The sight threaten to make me faint again but I stood my ground. Nightmare was being pulled of Ink, crying, still bleary from just waking up, I couldn't focus to get up. 

By the time I could function, he was fine, explaining aspects that Ink asked about. I stood up and walked over to him, sitting next to him. He glanced at me, a small smile playing on his face.

Here goes nothing.

I leaned on him.

He adjusted, but doesn't shove me off, merely closing his eyes and continuing to explain. 

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