Chapter 4 - Progression

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Quick little note error talks in bold HeLlO Bold and italic together is error thinking i wonder what to do the voices in italics shut up already! And everyone else normal - yo for other thoughts it will be italics in the person's POV.

Nightmare's POV - (Before the Fight) - (Speaking in Bold)

I awoke to the noise of arguing...again.

I swear if it's Cross fighting over chocolate, I will slap him.

I hear glass shatter in the kitchen. That's it. I'm done.

I started to heave myself up off then couch.

I just wanted to take a freaking nap, but no. I have to-

Falling back down onto the couch I clutched my arm.

"Curse you Dream."

Dream shot me in the shoulder in our last fight and it's hurting more than it should.

Another shatter in the kitchen brought me back to reality and I stood up with the help of my tentacles.

I sneaked into the kitchen and lo behold it was Cross and Horror fighting over a chocolate bar.

And now I want to punch him. Mood changes, you know?


"AHH! Crap! What was that for Night?!"


He grew confident, "Uh-huh. Right. I just wanted chocolate and Horror came and-"

"Yeah. Don't wan't to hear it. Give me it."

"W-what?" Cross's confidence faded.

"Give. It. To. Me."

Horror who had the bar, shook and handed it to me.

I had a few options, let then continue arguing and give them nightmares, leave and eat the chocolate, give it to Horror, give it to Cross, or split it between them.

I sighed, breaking it to 3 parts. Throwing 2 on the counter, "Just shut up about it and let me sleep."

I began walking away, stopping at the door, "Wake me, and you won't sleep either."

"O-ok!" They both whimpered.

I collapsed back on the the couch, closing my eyes, falling asleep in a few seconds. Only to wake up by a tree. This a a place me and my brother share before we visit other's dreams, or nightmares in my case.

It was afternoon, so it was surprising to see Dream here...


He looked at me, but his face told a story. He was horrified. Not of me..but of something else. He went back to hugging himself.

Now I still care about Dream, he is my brother after all and this worried me. I walked closer. "Dream? What happened?"

He started hyperventilation, golden tears running down his face.

"Oh, gosh Dream, I didn't mean to scare you."

I walked closer, putting my hand on his shoulder, crouching down. I didn't want to say this but it's the only way for him to tell me, "What"

He looked at me, only to break down again, "Oh, god, oh god! Error he- he's so- so- broken inside! I can't, his SOUL, why, why, nhh!"

He started blubbering nonsense,

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