Chapter 11 - The Puppet Master's Puppet

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Ink's POV

I still can't believe Error can create. But this is amazing, the amount of detail. For a destroyer, of course. I'm sure he won't mind me keeping it.

Rebooting 100%  - Please Stand By

Error blinked and looked around, eyes riveting onto me. He looked alarmed, almost resentful?


His eyes turned to Nightmare, signifying for him to go on. He seems so different from when he used to destroy. 

Then again, I had changed to. I think.

"You good? I've got to go back to the house, because someone is destroying it."

Error almost sniggered, but held it in, he nodded. Nightmare then turned around and entered his portal.

That's when the screaming started. 

I covered my ears, so did Dream and Blue. Error just flinched and looked at us bewildered.

Blocking out the screams was hard, they echoed through the Anti-Void.

I tried to hear what they were saying.

-?- it! Destroy!

You were doing better, no perfect little while ago!

Stupid Glitch.


-ut- up - ?-!

Error's POV

They can hear them?! 

This isn't good.

Aww... Poor little glitch.

Shut up guys! Come on!


You know...if the so called puppet master becomes the puppet, they definitely messed up. Wouldn't you say Error?

Not her. Not now! 

Shut Up!

Don't worry little one they can't hear me.

"ShUt U-..."

And I don't want them hearing you.

The voice was filled with malice.

No One's POV

Error's desperate plea was cut off.

The voices went silent.


Ink uncovered his "ears" and looked at Error, nobody heard what he said, only that he said something.   "What did you say Error?"

Error didn't respond. Ink waved his hand in front of his face. Nothing.

"Error this isn't funny." Dream voiced. Blue also looked worried.

"Error please?"

Ink placed a hand on Error's shoulder.

For a second, nothing happened.

Next thing Ink knew was that he was sailing crossed the Anti-Void at an alarming speed. Both Dream and Blue yelled out. Ink crash landed. And it hurt. 

"Error! Why did you do that?!" Blue frowned. (My quote Blue. "No Violence! And...I don't have muscles.")

"I know you hate being touched but don't do that!"

"SoRrY! i JuSt...sOrRy.

"It's fine Error, just..." Blue looked back at Ink in the relative distance, Dream running over to help him. "Don't do it again?"

Error smiled, "YeAh. I'm JuSt StIlL a BiT sHaKeN."

"Yeah, well hurry and get over it because I don't loath being thrown around again."



Error hesitated. "WeLl I aLsO...hAd An IdEa. If InK aGrEeS..."

Ink tilted his head, "Me?" His eye went to a '?'

"YeAh. NoT eVeRy Au KnOwS tHe...WeLl TrUtH? I cAn'T eXaCtLy RuN aRoUnD, sOmE mAy NoT kNoW, sO iF yOu'Re ThErE..." He rolled his wrist as to say, 'and you should figure out the rest'.

Ink brightened his eyes going back to its usual star. "Sounds good! I can also call a meeting later and...." He started mumbling a bit, then, "And you can come to it too Error!"

"I'll go with you Blue, start making those tacos and tell your brother I'll be comin' around!"

"Yay! Tacos for my friend Dream, COMING RIGHT UP!"

"See you later Ink!" Dream winked.

Ink and Error were left in the Anti-Void. "So...where to first?"

Error smiled, although it didn't look right, it almost was wasn't his own?

Ink didn't notice or care enough at the time being anyway.


Little did Ink know, Error was screaming. But it was silent.

Not from fear of being with Ink for the next, whoever knows how long, but for the fact-

"He wasn't in control of his own body."


611 words! (650 words)

Nothing to say, stomach ache? Sure. Miserable day because of it? Yes.

Started a bullet journal and drew a really goo free hand skeleton hand? Yep.

Welp, I'm off to draw Legend of Zelda. Link and their companion from different games.

My favorites are the King of Red Lions (Wind Waker) Midna (Twilight Princess). Two favorite game too.

Also going to draw Fi (Skyward Swords), Navi (Ocarina of Time) (Hey Listen!) and Tatl and Tael (Majora's Mask)

BAI and maybe I'll show u dah finished picture when I'm done!

Also, I may not update for a bit (don't trust my 'may's') cuz I let my sis recommend me a audiobook while Diamond Dotz (If you have patience it is worth it.) The book is Six of Crows and I'm only on like disc 4/12. So... yeah. The whole audiobook is like 15 hours long.

Toodles~ for realz.

WAIT! WHEN I DO tHiS ThE wOrds Dont COUNT!!! So actually the real number is in (###)

And here's your chapter ilovesans84 

How dare you try to bribe me! My poor walls...and windows...fixed but they still look weird! (You messed with a pro complainer guys :P I may have to move for you can't find me...)

Godspeed my dear fried friends. I'm gonna go eat tater tots for dinner. Just tater tots. Nothing else.

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