Chapter 21 - A Little Chat

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Hey look I drew something...back the day I posted the last chapter. Over a year ago...hehe...

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Last Chapter Recap:

He lowered his face more into his scarf and looked up into the starry and galaxy-filled sky.

Trying to relax in the serene scene he had always loved.

Trying to ignore the figure standing not too far away behind him near the trees. Watching him.

A few minutes went by and Error could no longer take it. 

"WhAt Do YoU wAnT fAtE?"

Error could feel the smile that grew on Fate's face.

"Oh, so you finally decided to acknowledge my presence! Thank goodness, I was getting bored."

Congratulations idiot. She was about to go away.

Error didn't bother gracing the voice or Fate with a reply.

Fate walked closer until she was standing next to Error, visible through the corner of his eye. On her face was a miniature pout. 

"I just wanted to have a little chat."

"EvErY tImE wE hAvE 'a LiTtLe ChAt' YoU eNd Up DoInG sOmEtHiNg To Me."

Fate's pout grew bigger, "Ok fine. I promise I won't do anything this time. Seriously! I just want to talk."

Error was silent for a minute, ".......fInE."

"Oh. Didn't think you'd actually agree to talk with me." He was surprised she didn't let out a happy 'yay' and went for this more...controlled response.

"I DoN't ReAlLy ThInK i WoUlD hAvE rEaLlY mUcH oF a ChOiCe."

"True.  I would've just started talking sometime anyway." Fate said as she sat down next to him, her legs dangling off the cliff.

She didn't instantly start talking after that, instead they sat together in silence.

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"I see why you like it here." Fate said suddenly.


"It's pretty."

Error tensed, on guard. This sounded nothing like the Fate he knew.

Fate sighed, "Really, it is. I realize I never really stick around any AU's to truly look at them." Fate looked at Error, "Or is this because I'm not acting anything like my normal self? I thought you'd rather me act like my sister instead because I know you hate me so much."

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