Chapter 3 Rip Me To Shreds

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 Quick little note error talks in bold HeLlO Bold and italic together is error thinking i wonder what to do the voices in italics shut up already! And everyone else normal - yo for other thoughts it will be italics in the person's POV.  

Blue's POV


I've seen it before when he was lost in madness, but even now I can't bear to see it.

Error - Forced God of Destruction

LV - 999999999999999_9-9_=9-_E-R_ro_R

MP - 0.0000000001/263746_E-R_ro-R  [Eff: Unable to escape]

EXP - 9999999999999999=9_9_E9=rR__-O_R

HP - 0.00000000001/1_-ERROR [Eff: self-hate, self-harm, depression, delusional, paranoia]

*A being made/formed from FATE. Ripped from his old AU, placed into a white VOID - The Anti-VOID, that soon drove him insane from the many years spent within.

*The Creator - Ink!Sans -is creating too many_ A-Us and forced Error to destroy them for the BALANCE - too many AUs  and they will domino effect into each other and wipe_ the Multiverse from _e_existence

*Haphephobia - Fear of Being Touched

*The voices scream at him. Make. Them. Stop. They've been nicer recently...

*Unable to die due to FATE's control and power to stop him from dying.

*Just a   F-IL_T/H_Y     G_l-T_C\H

Stretch's POV

Is-is this why Blue cares so much? He was.....forced? I don't believe this. 

Blue's POV

A wetness slides down my cheekbone, I'm crying. I don't care, it's for a reason. My body racked harder in silent tears as my SOUL quivers. Keep CHECKING.

Dream's POV

I-I'm overwhelmed. These feeling that Error kept hidden. He always had a negative aura around him but with his SOUL out, I-it hurts. I-t-this is- to- much- Blackness.

Ink's POV

I don't believe it. This is a lie. Creation CANNOT CREATE Destruction. Lies, all of it. 

"This isn't true."

Error's POV

Where am I? 

You are here. Surrounded by Sanses that are in shock.


I shifted, PAIN STOP. 

There's  a glow in front of me.

What is it?


My SOUL...that ugly thing...

...look up


It's NoT FAir!


Kill it, I dare you.

Accept the Truth (Indefinite Hiatus [Sorry])Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt