Chapter 17 - An Encounter to Remember

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I haven't done an Error pictures in a while, so here.  ^J^

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"So...he might've gone a bit too far."

Destiny raised an eyebrow, "A bit?"

Fate sighed, "Ok. Ok. Too far."

"And you came to me because?"

"I need...obviously you should know."

"Ah! So you say you need my help?" Destiny remarked.

Fate scoffed, "I didn't say that." She mumbled.

Destiny smiled, "Well, it could've been our fate to work together again."

Fate groaned, "Not with your bad humor! This is why I don't work with you! I don't wanna deal with it!"

"Hey! You have to, after all you were the one who came to me for help. And you know you can't do it alone."

Fate buried her face in her hands, "UGH."

It was quiet for a moment then Fate peeked her eyes out from her hands, "I guess it was my destiny to deal with your terrible humor?"

Destiny laugh, "There it is. I knew you had it in you." she looked thoughtful, "Are you stating that it was-"


"Fine." Although Destiny's grin just widened, her eyes crinkling from her laughter. Fate looked up, a smirk forming on her lips.

"Scheming something?"

Fate's smirk only widened, "Maybe. Let's go finish saving the day."

No One's POV (Moments ago)




"Error?" Ink squeaked.

"WhO eLsE cOuLd It Be InK? i'M vErY hArD tO mIsS. aNd I'm NoT oFtEn MiStAkEn FoR aNoThEr." Error's voice dripped with sarcasm.

"But, but I-"

Error's eyes widened in fake shock, "YoU 'cAuGhT' mE? pLeAsE iNk, I'Ve BeEn ToRmEnTeD fOr EoNs, EvEn If i ToOk A fEw MoNtHs OfF, iT dOeSn'T aFfEcT mY aBiLiTy Or MaKe MuCh Of A dIfFeReNcE." He pointed at his bloody sleeve, "YoU cAn'T fEeL wHaT i FeEl, YoU cAn'T eVeN fEeL aT aLl!"

Ink straightened, "I never said I-"

Ink and Error continued their argument from earlier, like there wasn't anyone else around. Ink took a step towards Error every time he spoke, always being interrupted. Error stood in the spot, swaying slightly every once in a while.

"DiD yOu ReAlLy ThInK tHaT tWo LiTtLe BaNdS wOuLd KeEp Me At BaY? oR dId YoU nOt ThInK aT aLl? bEcAuSe ThAt'S wHaT sEeMeD tO hApPeN." Error rolled his shoulders, wincing slightly, not noticeable to anyone who didn't look hard enough. His face softened a smidge, "I'm SuRe YoU fElT iT tOo, dId YoU nOt?"

At this Ink was confused, finishing one statement during the whole quarrel, "Felt...what exactly?"

Error's eyes widened in actual shock this time, he opened his mouth to speak, but for once, no words came out. His voice betrayed his disbelief, "YoU-yOu DiDn'T?"

No one made a sound. 

Error begin to laugh, his voice glitching so much it was hard to understand him, "YOu d-IdN't! Of C-oUrSe y0u d!dN'T! yOu'Ve kIlLeD tHe M-uLtIvEr/Se! YoU'Ve tIpPed t-hE B@lAnCe! AnD iT wAs YoU! So-sO oF cOuRsE yOu D!Dn'T fEeL iT!" His laughs looked painful, and soon they turned into a quiet chuckle. "NoT tHaT yOu EvEr AcTuAlLy CaReD aBoUt AnYoNe'S wElL-bEiNg. JuSt JuMpInG tO tHe CoNcLuSiOnS oF 'Oh It'S oLd' Or 'PrObAbLy SoMe IdIoT iN tHe AU ItSeLf' If i-I dIdN't Do It AnD yOu CoUlDn'T fInD a ReAsOnAbLe AnSwEr." (Answer to @9puppys rant of Ink forgetting XD)

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