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"Ugh, I don't know what to wear!" I complain as my body is wrapped up in a white towel from the shower that I just took. I was talking with my best friend, Layla, who was on the other line.

"Des, I have to go, my break is over and I have to continue my shift. Wear what I told you, trust me. He'll love you, don't worry. And if he doesn't, I'll kick ass." She says, making me chuckle. I look over to the outfit she told me about. Maybe this fit isn't so bad after all.

"Alright, thanks again, Layla. Love ya." I say on the other end. I hear her chuckle before saying love you too. And with that, the call ends. I stare at my reflection in the mirror and hold the dress, giving it one more look. I know I'm acting childish but this is Lin we're talking about. I have to impress him. If I don't end up looking good I'll just embarrass myself. And I mean big time.

As I finally try on the dress Layla convinced me to wear, I was more than satisfied. It hugged my waist perfectly and defined my curves. She definitely made the right choice with this one. Not to mention that the color was beautiful and elegant. The burgundy really stood out with my naturally tan skin.

I then proceed to take care of my straight hair. I needed to add some volume to it or else it looked like a cement wall. So, I decided to use my curling iron. I ended up with brown loose curls cascading down my exposed back. When I finished, I began with the makeup. I didn't really overdo the makeup part though, I just wanted to enhance some of my facial features.

I check how much time I have left and thank God, I was right on time. He planned on picking me up at seven and it was currently six forty-five. I used those extra minutes to do some quick final touches and to also text back some friends that messaged me when I was getting ready since I couldn't prepare and use my phone at the same time.


I glance at the clock to see how much time I have left until I have to pick up Desi. Six forty? Perfect. I had just finished getting ready. To say I spent an hour preparing for this date was too little. I was finally happy with how I looked. I needed to impress my girl.


the girl that's not my girl but will be my girl because I want her to be.

I go to the living room and I see Aspyn on the couch, reading a book.

"So?" I ask, wanting her opinion on how I looked.

"Wow, you actually care to dress up!" She says sarcastically, shooting me a smile. "Ha, ha. Very funny, Asp." I say.

"But seriously, you look amazing." She says now honestly.

"Thank you," I say with a smile, heading back to my room to grab my phone. "You really like her, don't you?" She asks, and without a doubt I turn around and say "Yes," confidently. I release a huge breath I did not know I was holding in when I make my way outside to hail a cab.

Lucky for me, her apartment was just seven minutes away. A short while consisting of me looking out into the New York City streets through the taxi windows had passed and suddenly, I had arrived at my destination.

"Thank you, sir." I say, paying the taxi driver and getting out of the car. I release yet another huge breath, why the fuck was I so nervous? This is just a girl.


this isn't just a girl. This is the girl.

My conscious reminds me.

I take the elevator and press the button that led me to her floor. When the elevator ascends, it leaves me on that floor so I make my way through the elevator doors.

321, 321, 321.

I remind myself of her apartment door number until I spot it. Ah, here it is. 321. Well, here goes my mind says while knocking. The door jolts open after a few seconds of knocking on it and suddenly I'm face to face with a goddess when Des comes into view.

"Oh shit," I say as my jaw drops to the floor when I see her.


"Oh shit," I hear Lin's voice say as soon as I open the door. My eyebrows shoot up in surprise when I notice how handsome he looked. He was wearing an all black outfit, consisting of a button up shirt, a pair of pants, and a blazer. Not to mention his hair. It was styled all the way to the back in a tiny ponytail.

You could see his gold watch show since he had his sleeves rolled up. His veiny hands came into view as well and that was one of my biggest weakness. To top it all off, he had a smirk plastered all over his face.

"You look," He pauses, eyeing me up and down, "gorgeous."

"Look who's talking, handsome." I respond, making us both chuckle.

"Shall we?" He extends his hand for me to hold. I smile widely while nodding yes.

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