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I knock on Desi's door once I get to her apartment. A few seconds later, she opens the door and I'm left there, speechless. "Des, you look stunning." I say as I give her a kiss.

She tries to hide her blush but I can still see it, and for the record, it was adorable. "Thank you, you look really good as well. A full course meal, if you will." She jokes, making me throw my head back in laughter.

"You ready, babe?" I ask and she nods while linking our hands together as we walk outside. The plan was that we were riding together to the restaurant and our parents will meet us there.

When we were in the car ride, I saw Desi being not her usual self. She looked anxious or nervous. I reach out to her, placing my hand in her thigh.

"Des, are you okay?" I ask, still leaving my left hand on the steering wheel. "Yeah, I'm just nervous as hell." She chuckles lightly. "What if your parents hate me?" She asks worringly and I turn to look at her immediately. "Love, that's ridiculous! How could they hate you? You have nothing be scared of, alright. I'm nervous as hell too." I admit, earning a smile from her.

When we get to the restaurant, we notice our parents were already inside. We take a deep breath and walk in, hand in hand.

"Hi mom, hi dad!" Desi says as she spots her parents. She hugs and kisses them both. "Guys, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Lin." She introduces me and they both smile.

"It's so nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Gray." I say as I shake their hands firmly. "Oh please, call me Abby and this is my husband Dave." Her mom says. "It's our pleasure." Her dad says. I receive a text and I excuse myself.

"Oh, it's a text from my parents saying they're here." I say and I look to the entrance and there are my parents. We go over to them and we greet each other.

"Hi, I'm Desi." She introduces herself and they both shake her hand. "Hello, Desi. It's so nice to meet you, I am Luz, and this is Luis." My mom says as she introduces herself.

"It's so nice meeting you both as well." Desi shares an genuine smile. After meeting each other, we grab a table and start talking about ourselves. We end up getting along really well and what shocked me is that my mom and Desi's mom bonded so much, as well as our dads. We even ended up cracking jokes, and we talked so much that we stayed at the restaurant for a two more hours.

At the end, we all say our goodbyes and Dave and my dad meet up to go to a football game next week. It all went along smoothly and without any awkwardness whatsoever. I drop Desi home after we stayed in the driveway talking for a good fifty minutes. I swear we couldn't let each other go. We were almost inseperable.

"I'll see you tomorrow, babe." I say as I give her a big hug. "Don't miss me too much!" She jokes before entering her apartment door. "Oh, I'll try." I say and we both laugh. I make my way outside once more and drive home.

What a night.

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