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I'm still in shock with what happened last night. I was texting Layla if she could come over, to tell her everything that had happened. I turn off the TV because the show was getting boring and I make my way to the kitchen to put my now empty cereal bowl in the sink. When I come back to the couch, I see I got a text back from Layla.

"yess be over in like twenty" It read.

I decide to take this as an opportunity to shower and get ready. I wash my hair and end up changing into a lazy outfit which consisted of grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. When I'm done brushing out my tangled hair and moisturizing my face, I go back into the living room.

I sit patiently on the couch once more to wait for her. Around twenty-three minutes had passsed so she was going to be here any minute. As if on cue, I hear a loud knock on the door.

I stand up and make my way to the front door. When I open it, I see Layla's face come into view.

"Biiiiiitch," She says, making me laugh.

"Come in, I missed you girl." I say as I greet her with a big hug. Layla was like my sister, you know that best friend that you've had for years, that's her.

After we both pull away from the hug,
we sit on the stools of the kitchen and start chatting about God knows what. I see her face light up, and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Oh my God, I forgot to ask you! Tell me what happened with Lin! Did he kiss you? Was it a good date? Was it awkward? Did he-" She rambles and I laugh, stopping her.

"Layla! Calm down," I say, still laughing. "It was amazing. I was expecting to be awkward like all dates are, you know, but this one wasn't, at all. We talked about so many things and we joked a lot. In the end, it took a turn," I say. Her eyes shoot up, "In what way?" She questions.

"Well, I asked him about the meeting he had with the agency about the article he wrote..." I trail off. "And?" Layla asks.

"And, they rejected his work once more. I felt so bad, he didn't deserve that. He doesn't deserve anything bad for that matter. What he deserves is recognition and for his work to be published, he's always working!" I say, getting frustrated.

"Anyway," I calm down, "I end up telling him what I basically just told you, and comforted him. He said that I was more supportive in a few days than some people who never were. Then, we kissed." I say and she squeals.

"Ahh, I knew it! I'm really glad you had a good time last night." She says with sincerity in her eyes. "Thank you, I am too." I say, chuckling.

Unexpectedly, I heard a knock on the door. I'm slightly confused as to who would come to my apartmeny early in the afternoon, but I shrug it off and open the door with Layla standing behind me.

"Hi! Oh, I'm sorry. Is this not the right time?" I hear the familiar voice and see Lin standing at my front door. Suddenly, I burst with excitement on the inside.

"Actually, yes it is. I was just leaving!" Layla says, eager to leave us alone.

"Um, okay then," I laugh. "Bye, I'll see you later!" I say to Layla while hugging her goodbye.

"Oh and, nice to meet you Lin!" She tells him as she shakes his hand.

"The pleasure's all mine," He says kindly as he gives her a smile.

When Layla is out of sight, I tell Lin to step into my apartment. I close the door behind me and out of a sudden, I see him grab something from his back.

"You brought me roses?!" I practically exclaim. He reveals a cheesy smile and so do I.

"I mean, I think so, I'm not sure though." He says sarcastically, making me laugh.

"Thank you so much," I go in for a hug and he receives my arm tightly. We fit perfectly. When we pull away, he still keeps me close to me and plants a sweet kiss on my forehead.

"And sorry about that," I chuckle, "that was my best friend, Layla." I say.

"Oh, don't worry, she seems like a really nice person."

"She really is," I say and we start walking towards our couch.

"And I'm sorry for showing up out of the blue, I just couldn't wait to see you." He says and I feel the heat rise up to my cheeks. "Oh knock yourself out, I don't mind." I say and we chuckle simultaneously. Later that night, we end up watching movies after movies after movies. It ended up being a really good night, like I expected it to.

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