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We spent the rest of the night cuddled up in Desi's couch. It was a really chill night but I enjoyed it, since I had her company with me. I was writing for hours and she was using her phone and watching netflix. "I did it, I'm done with the first draft," I say, putting my pencil down. She turns to look at me and I see her smile frantically. I could tell she was proud.

"Really, let me see!" She said and I chuckled at her reaction. I handed her my notebook and after a minute had passed, she handed it back to me with the most shocked expression someone's ever had.

"Lin, this is pure gold," She whispers. "You have to show this to your agency!" She says with a huge smile. "You know what? I will. Tomorrow first thing in the morning." I say and I see her frown for a second. I grab her chin softly, "What's wrong, Des?" I ask. "Nothing, I just wanted to be there to support you but I have to go to work." She says and I can't resist my urge to kiss her, she was so adorable. I lean in slowly and I kiss her soft lips. Just like that, I fell in love with her all over again.

"Babe, don't worry. I'll call you as soon as I'm done, or better yet, I'll visit you." I say, swallowing the lump in my throat when I realized I had called her babe. I hope she's okay with it. Wait, she is. I see her cheeks turn red and her lips form into a smile.

"Alright, sounds good." We decided to watch a movie after that and we both fell asleep on her couch. The next morning, I woke up early so I could make breakfast for Desi. I wanted her to have energy since I know she has long shifts at the bookstore.

Once I'm done making her something to eat, I lay it on the living room table and slowly and softly, wake her up. She groans and I laugh.

"C'mon, sleeping beauty. I made you breakfast so you co-" I say but she interrupts me.

"Breakfast? I'm up," She said, causing me to laugh like an idiot. I'm guessing she really loves food. In that case, who doesn't?

While she's eating, I put on my shoes and collect my stuff before heading out. "Hey, call me if anything happens at the meeting or come here, okay?" She says, taking a sip of her water. Even in the morning she looked efortlessly beautiful.

"Will do, love. I'll see you later," I lean in to give her a kiss on the cheek and she turns her head so it could land on her lips.

Holy shit,



After checking in at work, I begin my shift. I start to wonder what the hell is going on at the meeting. I was so nervous yet so excited for Lin. I wanted to see him succeed, after all, he deserves it.

An hour had passed and Lin still hadn't called me back. I wanted to know if he goy accepted or rejected.

"Des, I need you to lock up right now! I have a family emergency, we need to close early!" Brianna, my boss also known as the owner of the bookstore, informs me. She looks in distress so instead of asking why, I just nod.

"Will do. I hope everything's okay!" I shout as she's about to leave.

"Thank you!" She shouts back as she exits the store. Well that was strange. We literally had just opened an hour ago but I guess I'm closing now. As I reach over to flip the open sign on the door, I receive a phone call.

I frantically search for my phone to answer it, knowing it could be Lin. "Hello?" I pick it up. "Des, I have something to tell you. I'll be at the bookstore in two!" Lin says before hanging up. I couldn't tell what he was feeling.

Worryness, anxiety? Did he get rejected again? No, how could he? His work is off the charts. As I'm arranging some few last books on the shelf, I hear the door open.

I look over the aisle and see Lin walking in rapidly. "Hey, what happened? Tell me everything!" I say frantically walking over to him. When he spots me, his face softens and he laughs.

"I did it. They accepted my work and we're writing a musical!" He said in the most humble way possible and I could feel my eyes tear up. I squeal and hug him tightly as he lifts me off the ground and does about four spins.

"Babe, you did this! I told you you could, I'm so proud of you!" I say in excitement as he sets me down.

"One more thing," He adds in a more serious tone. "Desdemona, from the moment I met you, I was convinced I wasn't going to lose my feelings for you. I knew I wasn't going to find someone better. I knew I wasn't going to leave you. I've made up my mind, I want you and no one else. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks and my whole heart fills itself.

"Yes!" I say without a doubt and with no hesitation, he kisses me firmly. How did I get so damn lucky?

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