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"That's a wrap!" I hear a backstage guy shout and we all clap. Lin and the whole cast just wrapped their last rehearsal before opening night which was tomorrow. I stay in my seat until Lin comes out of his dressing room.

He literally jumps on me like a five year old kid on a sugar rush. "Tomorrow's opening night!" He practically screams and my smile gets so big by his passion.

"I'm so excited for tomorrow night it's going to be so magical!" I shriek with him. "Babe, I love you but get off of me!" I groan while he laughs. He teases even more by staying there, just laughing his ass off.

I know what would make him get off in less than a millisecond. I begin tickling him and his laugh erupts in the theater, making me laugh even harder.

"Got your ass!" I say and he laughs. "Give me a kiss now, will ya?" He raises an eyebrow and with those puppy eyes, I can't resist.

"If you insist," I joke and kiss him. When we have our stuff, we head out home and we say goodbye to the cast, the security guards and the staff team. It was still pretty early, like four pm, so we stop at a place nearby and eat some pizza.

After we finish eating, we walk outside and we run into Chris. "Oh, hey guys." He says, greeting Lin and I. "Hi!" I chirp and Lin does his bro handshake hug thing with Chris.

"Hey, Des is it okay if I borrow your man for like an hour? I want to take him shopping for a gift since he's opening on Broadway tomorrow." Chris chuckles and I smile. "Yeah, no problem." I say, turning to Lin and he nods.

"Sweet, we'll just be at the Manhattan Mall if you need us." Chris says and Lin turns to me. "You have your car right?" He asks reassuringly. "Yes, I'll see you later." I say and he leans in for a kiss. "I love you," He says before walking away with Chris. "I love you too, babe."


Thank God Chris showed up on time, it was part of the plan. We weren't going to the mall to get me a gift, we were going to get Desi something.

"You ready for this?" Chris asks as we enter the mall. "One hundred percent, without a doubt." I said, proudful.

"Hi, welcome to NYC Diamond District, how may I help you, gentlemen?" A worker here approached us.

"Hello, what's your finest ring here? I want to purchase an engagement ring."

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