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"Shit, that's cold!" I say as Lin lets me try his ice cream flavor. It was currently like ten pm at night and the dinner was over. We really enjoyed it and I think Lin got along with Layla's friends really well, especially Anthony.

We were now getting some ice cream afterwards, since the ice cream shop wasn't too far from our hotel. It was our first night here, and we were in love with this town.

"Hey babe?" I hear Lin call out. I looked up, "Mhm?" I hum. "Do you have the company's email? The one that messaged you from Youtube?" He asks and a smile forms on my face, just thinking about Lin finally getting his recognition.

"Yeah, I'll text you the email right now." I say and pull out my phone to copy paste the email address. "Alright, thanks love." He says.

"Babe, this is it. You've got this. You're finally getting the recognition that you deserve!" I say proudly. He reaches over the table and grabs my hand. He lets his thumb run across my palm as I look into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Des, thank you so much. I mean it. You've turned my life upside down. I look forward to everyday now, knowing that you'll be a part of it. I love you." He says and I feel my eyes start to tear up.

"I feel the same way. You're an absolute blessing. I love you too." I pour out my vulnerability out into the table. We finish our ice creams and talk some more before going back to our hotel.

"What a night," Lin says as he collapses on the bed. "Mhm," I agree as I lay on the bed with my eyes closed. We change into our comfortable pj's and he turns on the TV. Soon later, we both fall asleep.


The next morning, I decided to mess with Des. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge, and pour some on the cap of the bottle. I head over to our bed and spill the water on her cheek. She jolted up by how cold the water was and I was dead ass laughing on the floor.

"You ass!" She says and throws me a pillow while I was still cracking up on the floor. "But I'm your ass!" I say back and she smiles. "Unfortunately, yeah." She teases and laughs.

"Hey, that wasn't very nice!" I stood up and leaned in to give her a kiss, only to turn my head on the last second, resulting into a pissed off Desi. "Fuck you!" She raises her middle finger at me and we're still laughing like two idiots.

"Aw, baby, I'm sorry," My laughter calms down and I go in for an actual kiss now. She pulls away after the kiss and says, "Alright, I'm happy now." She grins, making me smile uncontrollably. "You have a cute smile." I say truthfully. "You have a cute face." She says and I gush dramatically.

We get ready for the day since it was our second day here in Italy. It was Saturday already and I couldn't believe we would leave in two days.


"I'm exhausted," I say as I put my head in Lin's shoulder on our way back to the hotel on a cab. "Can you believe we did all of that in just a few hours?" He said, making me laugh. "Actually, I can't." I said. Today consisted of going to a cliff, going on a canoe tour, going to Monte San Constanzo, and last but not least, going to Vetara.

It was now around seven pm and we were hungry and tired, so we decided to just stay in the hotel and order room service. "Hey, babe?" Lin said as I was getting ready to take a shower in the bathroom.

"Yeah?" I called out. "Do you want to order some pizza?" He asked and I responded back, "Fuck yeah,". Lin of course laughed and my heart raced at the sound of his giggle. Oh how much I loved this man and his laugh.

"Clothes stealerrrrrr!" Lin pointed out as I stepped out of the bathroom with a hoodie of his and some black sweatpants. I throw my head back in laughter and he chuckles.

"At least I look good in them." I say sarcastically and he shoots an eyebrow up. "Oh, really?" He smirks and I nod with a grin. We were about to kiss until room service got here. Lin groaned in response and I laughed at his dorkiness. We thanked the guy who brought the food and spent the rest of the night chatting, laughing, and eating some pizza.

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