Losing myself

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The day came for the appointment and Mike could hardly wait I was excited to. The whole way the there Mike talked about the gender and what would we name. But I didn't care about any of that I only cared that my baby was health and that it was going to have a dad. Then next thing i know I felt Mike touch my stomach this was the first time he ever did that. He then said
" babe I'm so happy. I still can't believe we are having a baby."
" yes babe is still I shock that we are."
" babe, why want you ever let me see your stomach."
I paused for a quick second and all I can think of is the marks that were left on me from Walt hitting me. Then I responded with " babe when we get to the doctor you can see my stomach."
Once we arrived to the doctor Mike got out and opened my door and we walked in the office. The people at the front desk were so nice and respectful.
I filled out the paperwork they gave me and 14 mins later the doctor walked calling us both in. " Mr. & Mrs. Wealth." I then respond with we are not married once we got into the room.
The doctor hand me a gown and told me to change into it and that he would be right back. Mike then stepped out to so I can change. Once I was done Mike came back in while we waited on the doctor. The doctor came back and said let's get started on seeing this little baby huh. Mike start to smile. The doctor applied I cold gel on my stomach and I wiggled a little. That's when Mike healed my hand as the doctor rubbed the thing around my stomach looking for the baby that's when he found it. " here's you little baby." Said the doctor
"His a little bit bigger then what I was expecting." Said Mike
" well that's because you guys are 1 month pregnant." Said the doctor
"Oh would you guys like to hear the heart beat."
" yes we would love to."
That's when the room became completely quite And that's when the doctor said "somethings wrong."
" what's wrong ??!?"
" I don't hear the baby's heartbeat."
That's when the doctor hooked me up to some system to check on the baby and from there he broke the news that my baby pulse was faint and that I need to start getting ready to lose my baby. That's when I put my clothes back on and the whole way back to Mikes place he didn't speak. That's when I said "I'm so sorry Mike."
"Babe don't worry yourself okay it's not good for the baby."
I then said " okay." But I can tell Mike want to cry. I can see he felt like this was somewhat his fault.
Later that night
I got up and all I can't think is that it's my fault I'm losing my baby. I went into the bathroom and I just wanted to end the pain my baby was in but before I can do anything Mike came in and stopped me. He told me we could make it through this and that his going to be with me for ever doctors appointment and to help me relieve stress. That's when we both returned back to bed and called it a night.
The Next Day
The next morning I woke up and felt a sharp pain in my back I started to cry little but then it went way fast. I called out to Mike and he came running into the room asking was I okay I said yes just in a little pain. That's when he said let's just stay home in relax. We watched tv, movies, eat popcorn and Oder food. That's when I felt myself falling asleep. Mike woke me up and carried me in the room in but me in the bed.
I woke up to use the restroom. I noticed that my phone was lightning up then when I flipped it over I had 3 missed calls from Walt. I walked over to the balcony and called him back. That's when he answered on the first ring.
" Hello"
"Yes Walt"
"How is you and your baby doing or shall I say our baby"
"Walt this is not your baby I yelled and I would love it if you stop contacting me"
That's when me and him went back and forth for 10 mins into I started to feel pressure between me legs. I then hung up the phone. I stubbled on my way over to Mike. I dropped to the floor only 2 feet away from him. I screamed out his name so loud I'm pretty sure the neighbors heard me "MIKE !!!!!". He jumped up can came down beside me that's when he cut on the light and I seen blood on my clothes I start to cry and he told me not to worry babe. That's when he came over and picked me up and we raced to the elevator. He told me to hold on his going to get me to the hospital as fast as he could. When we arrived to the hospital I seen blood coming down my leg I start to cry I told him the baby is gone I started to feel cramps and I screamed. The nurse came with a wheel chair Mike picked me up and but me in the chair. The doctor came along side me and told me that I was going to be fine and the last thing I remember his seeing lights and I was out of there.

The Next Day,
When I woke Mike told me we lost the baby and that we were going to be going home soon. I felt so bad seeing him hurt and it was all my fault. The doctor came back in and said "miss.Jane we will be releasing you today."
" I smiled back at him. Okay."
" but first we need you to sign some papers."
I signed the papers and was on my way. The home way home I felt like something was wrong the hospital let me go so early. When I questioned Mike about while I was leaving early he said that I recovered fast. I said okay and left it at that. When we got to the house and i seen that Mike I was sleep I got my things in left I write him a note that read :
" Mike I'm so sorry I couldn't do this anymore it's time for me to leave you and get my life back together. I wasn't completed  honest about who the baby's father was and I'm sorry for making you go through all that with me
- yours truly AVA"
A month after losing the baby I went back to Walt he was all i know and that's the only guy I know would keep the pain was feeling away.

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