Having him back

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On the way to the house Jay wanted to stop by his moms house. When we pulled up he asked " do she know you pregnant??" I said " No I was waiting on you to come home.." That's when Jay got out the car and came around to open my door. We walked up to the door hand and hand it felt like we we're already married. She opened the door and broke down crying  and screaming. Jay gave her the tights hug ever. Jay said " Mom I think you should seat down for what I'm about to tell you.."
she seat down and said asked " What's wrong??" 
"We're pregnant!!!"
She started to cry and jumped up to hug me and Jay.
"I'm going to be a grandma!!!"
That's when we kissed her and said we have to leave. Jay said he wanted to drive us home. When we arrived to the house Jay. When we got to the house Jay went straight to the shower. I told him I was going to start cooking dinner. That night I made his favorite fried pork chop with yellow rice and corn.
I heard the shower turn off and jay yelled out that the food smells good baby.
Once the food was done I made his plate and we set down at the table. When Jay finished his food he Put his plate in the sink. He came back and started kissing on my neck he. I closed my eyes and I rolled my head back. Felt him put his hand in the pants with in 2 mins of him doing that I was wetter then a water park. He told me to go up stairs and take off all my clothes. I got up and ran up the stairs. As soon as I got to the room I took off all my clothes and laid down in the middle of the bed. Jay came in and climbed on top of me, I told him to be careful for the baby. He laughed and said I'm not gone hurt my baby. He kissed the baby and whispered that he's going to go slow. He put the tip in and I moaned with relief. He started to do slow and fast strokes my legs were shaking he asked "was I going to deep or to fast ??"
" baby, just keep going don't stop.."
" I miss feeling you. Your touch, kiss and body."
" I miss you too.."
I loved when Jay and I would have deep conversations during sex.
I heard his breathing getting deeper and harder.
" I'm bout to cum bae"
"Yes baby"
That's when I heard him sigh with relief.
We got up and showered. Jay grabbed my waist and rubbed the soap down my body I turned around and kissed him. It felt like my world was turning. He looked at me and said I would never leave again. That's when he turned off the water and reached for my towel. He dried me off. I put on my dress and looked in the mirror. What I seen staring back at me was happiness.
I seen me and Jay our baby. I was finally happy and couldn't hardly wait to find out the gender of my baby. I didn't care if it was a boy or girl even though me and Jay wanted a boy.....

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