
649 19 10

Distance: 3.04800 meters...

Bria could sense the presence of her enemies in the woods, but she kept her eyes on the prize. She refused to let her guard down, even though they knew her weakness.


She felt the tree branch under her feet and cringed. They probably know her location now.

What if she just ran for it? She would get gunned down in a second. The objective was in plain sight. In an open field!

She could use her powers, but that wouldn't count. Plus, she wanted to see if she could win this by herself.

Suddenly she heard running in the woods, her head quickly turned to the left.

Darn it!...

She looked back over at the target and it was gone!

She laid on her back and groaned in frustration.

"Bria what are you doing?!" She heard Cassie yell from a distance.

Bria picked up her gun and started running towards the objective.

"You're not getting away this time!" She yelled. She pushed forward to meet up with the enemy team.

Should I use my powers? She silently asked herself. Until she saw the perfect shot.


She aimed her weapon at the back of the opponent's leg and fired.

After came a groan and a thud!

Bria ran and took the objective back. A holographic flag that is.

"Simulation complete: the red team has taken back the flag and eliminated the blue team." The intercom sounded. The flag disappeared from her hands.

She looked down at Arbiter who cursed to the ground.

"That's 2 against 1, babe." Bria smirked at him holding her stun round weapon proudly.

"I heard the intercom..." he grumbled, out of breath.

"What's that?" Bria leaned over. "I couldn't hear you when you're on the ground." She smiled again when he glared at her.

"I'm getting too old for this..." Bria helped Thel up since his leg was numb. He leaned on a nearby tree. "Your accuracy is getting better."

Bria's attention switched to Cassie coming towards them. She ran slow and quickly fell to the ground out of breath.

"Man! How do y'all do this every day?? You're so fast!" She said in between breaths. "I would definitely lose if I was on my own."

"He was so close to his safe zone too." Bria replied.

Thel just growled.

"Oh don't be angry hun. I promise I will make it up to you." Bria rubbed his arm.

"Ewwwww!" Cassie yelled.

"You really need a man, Cassie." Bria said.

"Knowing who you would set me up with, I would rather not marry an alien, thank you." Cassie said sarcastically.

Bria looked back over at Thel. "Does your leg have feeling back?"

Thel slowly nods.

Bria looked at him, he seemed to be acting differently. Is he seriously that upset from losing Capture the flag?

"I'm going to take Cassie out shopping. I'll see you back at home." She got on her toes and kissed the side of his face. "Love you."

Halo: Uncovering the Truth (Book 3, Arbiter x Female human series.)Where stories live. Discover now