Her Love

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She watched his unconscious body. The machines were helping him breathe. He was so badly injured. She was surprised that he was alive. Not only that, but This was her husband? The one she fell in love with? For some reason though, she felt attached. Even though in her mind she's never met him, she felt like she's known him forever.

He jolted awake and Bria stepped back. He was panting again and stood up fast.

"Master!" Tyra rushed to his side.

"Tyra..." he spoke softly and held onto her.

His voice...

"Bria, is she alright? I saw... I saw her."

Tyra looked towards Bria, soon he did the same.

His eyes grew and he started walking towards her.

I'm not ready for this...

Her heart paced up and grabbed the wall behind her.

"I wouldn't do that..." Tyra stopped him. "She lost her memory... she doesn't know who you are."

Thel looked at her eyes. She could see the hurt in his eyes. She was lost for words. She wanted to speak. She wanted to remember. But she couldn't on both terms.

"I... I'm sorry..." she ran out of the room.

Thel looked at Tyra, he started limping back to her. She rushed over and helped him.

"What has happened to her?" He questioned.

Tyra gently sat him down. "She hit her head pretty hard fighting someone. We all thought it would be temporary amnesia, but it's extended longer than we thought. I'm sorry, Master."

Thel looked at the door that Bria ran off. "That is not my wife..."

Tyra sighed. "You have no idea."

Bria stood outside and paced back and forth. She wasn't prepared for this, she can't do it. It feels so weird.

"Kid." Buck came over to her.

She leaned on his chest and sobbed.

"What happened? Is Arbiter okay?" He asked.

Bria nodded and backed up. "I didn't think this would be so hard." She sniffled.

"Well, this is all new to you. Just let him get some rest, you'll be able to interact better in the morning." Buck patted her shoulder and went on his way.

The next morning...

Bria sat on a ledge in the hanger, way in the corner by herself. Well, she had Hejiro with her as well. But they were pretty silent and just observed the people walking by. They were pretty secluded, however.

Bria's head was hanging low. She didn't get much sleep last night. She was worried about how she's going to make this work. The fact was, she wanted to get her memories back. Not to remember the bad things that she went through, but the good things. Why she fell in love with him of all people. But she didn't know how to get them back. Perhaps it was better if she just forgot everything.

She looked up to see him walking up to her. He looked a lot better than yesterday. His wounds were practically healed.

Hejiro has run off to go find some food or something.

He sat next to her and they remained silent. She blushed immediately as she continued to look at the ground. Should she say something? This is so awkward.

She dared to look at him, but she did. He was wearing his golden armor again. It was a pretty cool set. A statement that told people he was powerful and in charge. He was a leader. He wore almost like a small cape with a symbol on it. It suited his armor and almost made him look formal.

He caught her looking at him and she quickly looked away. Even a deeper blush crept on her cheeks. She had to break the silence.

"How long have we been married?" She asked. Probably not the best first question, but it's all she could come up with.

"Almost a Lustrum." He replied.

Bria slowly nodded, still not able to look him in the eye.

"You don't remember?" He asked. His tone was hushed.

"I wish I could." She replied.

He didn't say anything else, but he laid flat on the ledge. Probably tired still.

"What did they do to you in that prison?" She asked.

"I prefer not to say."

Bria understood. The way she found him, she wasn't surprised that he didn't want to talk about it. They must've done terrible things to him.

They stayed in silence again. Bria stole a couple of glances. And a terrible thought reached her mind.

What if that's the only way to get my memories back? Have we ever... done it before?...

The butterflies in her stomach almost made her sick as she was thinking of these things. Would that be too awkward? Would he reject her? Can humans and Sangheili even do stuff like that?

Well duh! There's Tyra...

Ugh... I'm such an idiot.

Bria stood up and climbed on top of him to where she was straddling him. She froze and his eyes grew, but he didn't move.

Now what?... she questioned herself.

"What are-" He began.

But she quickly silenced him. "I'm getting my memories back."

She began to unzip her jacket and reveal a lot of skin to him. She was surprised he didn't move or say anything else. After taking most of her clothes off, she stood there with her hands on his chest. Her mind really wanted him out of his armor. One of his hands reached and gently touched her bare side, her body shivered. So many emotions were going through her at this moment. She wanted more.

But she froze.

"What am I doing?..." She whispered.

She quickly covered herself and got off of him.

"Bria..." he stood up.

"I-I'm sorry..." she zipped her jacket back up and ran off.

She nearly ran into Tyra.

"Woah! Watch it!" Tyra yelled. "Oh, Bria? Are you okay?"

"I almost just did him in the hangar..." she blurted out without even thinking.

Tyra cringed. "I did not need to know that, thank you."

Bria groaned and grabbed her head. "What is wrong with me?!"

"Many things... many things dear..." Tyra patted her shoulder. 

     "I- I don't know what came over me. I just though-"

     "Bria, he's your husband." Tyra reminded.

     Bria groaned. "I know, but it seemed like I just barely met. Though it felt..."

     "Lemme stop you right there..." Tyra put a finger over her mouth. "I'm obligated to listen to you, but I really, really don't want to know about your sex life."

     Bria sighed. "I'm sorry. I just- Why did I do that?" 

     Bria shook her head and walked away from Tyra.

     She decided to rest for the rest of the day.

Halo: Uncovering the Truth (Book 3, Arbiter x Female human series.)Where stories live. Discover now