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Fight for her...

You'll see her again.

Take a deep breath and...

"Wake up!"

Thel jerked awake. He looked around. He wasn't in so much pain, but he was still in the cell. How was he still alive? He was literally laying in a pool of his own blood.

He suddenly heard heavy, shaky breathing. He looked in the direction and saw a small human girl cowering in a corner.

He didn't speak a word, however.

She looked on the verge of tears. But he noticed she didn't have keys or anything. Was she a prisoner too? He backed up away from her. Perhaps that would tell her he's not a threat. He looked at the wound on his stomach. It was messy, but stitched and cleaned up. He looked back at the girl. Thel finally noticed the medical supplies. Did she help him? She looked so young.

"You healed my wound?" He asked lowly.

She nodded her head. "I-I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted you to w-wake up."

"How old are you, child?" He asked.

"I'm seven." She spoke.

She was very young. But she was still scared.

"I won't harm you." Thel said. She eased up a little bit.

"t-they really hurt you... But that's okay. They used to hurt me as well..." she said.

Thel sighed. This was going to be a long day...

Bria's POV:

She let his crisp body fall down out of her arms.

"one down..." she whispered.

She suddenly heard a door open she rushed to hide, but it was too late. She felt small pinches on her wrists, but she saw no one. They were fast and silent. She needed to be aware.

"Ugh!" She felt a blow on her back, feeling a ton of pain. She liked it better when she didn't feel pain at all. What happened to that?!

She reached out her hand towards the noise, but nothing happened.


"When one falls, another rises..." she heard a man's voice, but still didn't see him.

Something suddenly grabbed her hair and started to drag her. She got a glimpse of the man, but he was covering his face. She tried to fight but failed.

She saw a hole in the ground that he was walking right towards.

"Time to meet your demise!" He threw her right Into the pit!

She only fell for a short time, however, nothing broke her fall. And she's sure she broke a few bones. Though there was a meat pile that semi broke her fall.

Bria rubbed her head when all of the sudden she heard growling. She looked around but it was too dark to see anything until her eyes would adjust.

Once they did, what she saw made her jump. A jackal snarling at her.

I'm going to die!

Jackals are vicious creatures!

Its jaw snapped at her, but there was something different about it. It was smaller than most jackals, a white streak stood out on its face against its black/grey skin. Its green eyes startled her, but what she noticed was on its neck, a dark green bandana.

It suddenly jumped at her, she held out her hands but her powers failed thanks to the suppressor.

"I-it's Okay! I'm not going to hurt you." She said to the jackal.

It stood its ground, but it no longer growled. Instead, it barked at Bria when she got too close.

The strange meat!

Bria grabbed the meat, she knew jackals were carnivores. She was hoping she would gain its trust so she wouldn't be its next meal.

The Jackal sniffed the meat and ate it immediately. It then looked at her but in a calm, peaceful manner. Bria sighed.

"You're just a little ball of sunshine." She reached out her hand, which the Jackal put its head under her hand. She lightly patted it.

She was amazed yet confused. She has never seen a Jackal act this was before.

The top door suddenly opened, the Jackal growled and hid in the dark.

"Almost forgot your lunch." The guard threw another bag down on her lap. "Oh, and have you met Hejiro yet? I bet they're awfully hungry." He laughed and walked away.

She looked back at the little Jackal chewing on the meat.

"Yup, starving."

She looked up at the hole that she fell from. She wondered how much that man patrols back and forth. Looking down at the suppressors, she knew what she was going to have to do.

"This is gonna be painful..." she grabbed a sharp object and one by one took out the suppressors. Very painful was an understatement.

"Ah!" She pulled the last one and shook her hands. She looked back at the hole.

"Hey! Coward!"

Hopefully, this will work...

The door opened and the man poked his head to glare at her.

"Why don't you come down here with me? It's cozy!" She held out her hand and to her surprise, pulled the man down with her. Hejiro immediately attacked him, tearing him to pieces.

While the Jackal was busy, Bria started to climb. The purple fire helping her.

She crawled onto the floor at the top, looking around frantically.

"When one falls, another one rises..."

She needed to leave, now!

But how will she get out? How did she even get in? She was so bloodthirsty that she didn't even pay attention.

"Ah!" She turned and quickly saw that Jackal. They sat there licking their lips.

"How'd you get out here?" She sighed. "Enjoy your meal?"

It almost looked like they gave her a smile. "yes."

"Fine. Come with me, if I can get out of here."

They barked and ran in the opposite direction.

"Hey wait!" She chased after them all the way until they reached the door.

She placed a finger on her chin. "Yeah. I guess a door could've worked..."

They both exit.

She casually walked on the sidewalk and tried her hardest not to get spotted. A couple of minutes later she turned and noticed another person walk into the building.

She felt like going back there to eliminate him but decided against it.


She jumped at the sound of that darn Spartans voice.

She was in trouble.

(Thank you DestinyRival for the character submission of Hejiro!)

Halo: Uncovering the Truth (Book 3, Arbiter x Female human series.)Where stories live. Discover now