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For the first time in a very long time, Thel had to build up courage and mentally prepare himself to face this person. He was furious and actually afraid.

He looked up slowly into the eyes of the creature.

"My scars remember your name." Thel replied to his previous words.

A wicked smirk appeared on his face. "You and your partner should be dead."

"We are not so easy to kill." Thel said.

"We shall see..."

Bria's heart was racing. Platforms kept rising and falling, she didn't know if it was another mind trick. But it made her nauseous. She managed to look down at Thel, he seemed like he was so far away. She also notices someone else was with him.

"Why are you doing this?" Thel asked.

"I'm not really one to explain my intentions." He replied.

Thel noticed something was off. He felt it, something was very wrong.

Bria was about to pass out from whiplash, her head was pounding and she was about to vomit. Even though it let her guard down, she decided to sit on her knees when suddenly a man appeared in front of her. She looked over at Thel and the same man was by him as well.

"It's so great to finally meet you, Bria." He spoke and smiled. "Though I would've expected it to be at your funeral."

The platforms finally stopped moving, but Bria was still very dizzy. She saw double of the man in front of her.

"You've become very powerful." Thel said.

"All thank to my friends, Cyva and Flas. It was wonderful to get to know the UNSC's weaknesses and their strengths." He looked over at Bria, Thel did the same and was shocked to see him over by her too. "And it's great to finally see her in person. She is more beautiful in person." He smirked.

Thel growled. "Leave her be."

"If only it were that simple." He shot a plasma bullet at Thel, he was too late to dodge, it struck him right in the arm.

"She's one of the UNSC's most powerful soldiers. Even though she's a medic, her powers are incredible. And you think I'm going to let her live? No!" He slashed at Thel. "I will suck the life right out of her, along with her right-hand man. You."

Thel didn't know what was wrong with himself. He was so slow, he was taking each blow as he struck. He felt weighted, like something heavy was on his shoulders. But he didn't want to give up, he needed to find a way to tell Bria that she's his main target.

"Ah..." Bria gasped as she held her pounding head. "Who are you?"

"Names aren't very important. Let's just say your hubby slaughtered my people." He said.

Her eyes grew at the realization.

"That's right." He spoke to her response. "Isn't it funny how things come back to bite you?" He lunged at her but she managed to quickly get away, but not too long after he hit the back of her head.

She had a weird feeling over her body. Like she was fatigued and slow-paced. But she stood up on her feet and thought of logical reasons why this might be. Could it be that they're in space? Could it be that she was just exhausted from everything that's been happening? But that's never stopped her before. She wiped the blood off her face from where Cyva cut her, and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Bring it on, big guy." She said.

"Just like the day, we brought you in." He spoke to Thel. "So weak and vulnerable. Are you just old? You're supposed to be a leader."

He managed to uppercut Thel's jaws. Thel fell down, he was panting heavily his body didn't want to move anymore.

Suddenly both Thel and Bria heard a crumbling sound, they looked to space and saw the UNSC slowly being torn apart. Starting with the front. The pieces flew to the platform building stuff.

Thel froze and Bria's heart broke. They both watched in disbelief.

Bria looked over at Thel to see his reaction, but what she saw scared her half to death. Thel was about to be impaled by a huge metal spike. But he was completely unaware. She raced and leaned over the ledge, she knew she couldn't jump down, it was a long fall and this platform had gravity.

"Thel!" Bria screamed to try to warn him. But it was too late. She watched him turn at the exact time as the spike went right through him. "No!" She screamed again.

His eyes grew and they immediately spotted her. He was shocked, it was so sudden, so painful. He felt his own breath stop. Was this it? Was this the end? He didn't think death would be so painful. Everything was turning white, this was how he died.

Bria began to cry as her heart shattered. The spike got removed and he of course immediately spewing blood. He didn't move, didn't blink. Just fell to the ground. She knew that she had just lost her love.

"No!" She cried out knowing she can't do anything to help him.

She looked at the man and immediate rage filled her. Obviously, the one by her was fake. She stood up and saw fear on the person's face. Her eyes and her whole body were burning with her purple fire. She noticed she had another metal spike ready to do that to her as well. He threw it, but to his surprise, she caught it and threw it back at him. The fake one disappeared.

She looked for the one that stood by Thel, but he was gone as well. She just saw his corpse. Grief settled upon her. She landed on her knees and screamed releasing a pulse of power.

He was really gone this time.

Halo: Uncovering the Truth (Book 3, Arbiter x Female human series.)Where stories live. Discover now