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Somewhere in space...

Thels body ached. He was fatigued and weary. But he didn't want to give up his life. This was just the consequences he had to pay for his mistakes. He messed with the wrong crowd and he knew it. But he kept looking at the door, hoping that Bria would show up at any second. Of course, he didn't tell her where he was going. He was keeping this secret for so long. How would she forgive him? Plus he didn't want her to be here, didn't want her to see him like this. And definitely didn't want her getting hurt or captured.

The door opened and a few soldiers made their way in. Thel guesses it was time for another session.

"Ready to spill answers, dear friend?" It spat in his face.

Like always, Thel remained silent.

"Hmm. Why don't you just confess? It's not like it's such a big secret. I don't really know if I should call you a legitimate assassin? Or a murderer. Considering you killed so many innocent."

"Your army is blinded!" Thel said.

"By what? Truth? We believe in what we believe is right. You made a deal and betrayed it. We did nothing to you or your Swords. You've turned yourself in. Just give up, tell us why you did this, and why were you smuggling weapons?"

Bria's POV:

Bria left quickly the next day, unable to sleep. She needed answers. She wanted to know if that God-Forsaken group she was a part of still existed. And if so, why when their leader was dead and has been for a few years?

Bria felt like turning the town upside down to look for this group, but she knew that she would hurt innocent people in her path, so she stayed calm. For the moment.

Where would she start? Perhaps she could reveal her brand on her ankle. Maybe that would draw attention from them.

Her ears picked up police sirens in the distance.


She sprinted as the sirens got louder and louder. But when she reached the destination, it was only a vehicle accident. She traveled closer to Bucks house. Maybe she should just not focus on that at the moment.

"This is going to be a lot harder than I thought." She whispered to herself.

"Or it could be right under your nose." An unfamiliar voice? She turned at the sight of a hooded man. He wore a mask that didn't show his mouth. But his eyes were quite captivating. A bright green. "Nice scar." He gestured to her ankle. She quickly noticed the brand on his wrist.

"Wow. I guess it wasn't that hard to find you." She replied.

"Been looking hard?" He said.

"I just need answers. We could do this the easy way, or the hard way." She tilted her head.

He chuckled. "Well, I've heard plenty of things about you." He punched her in the jaw.

She was stunned for a second. "Hmm. Guess the hard way?" She threw him back with her powers into an alleyway. But he got up swiftly.

He's strong and swift.

That nasty Brute did train his spies well. So she wasn't too surprised. He lunged for her but she quickly blocked it with her powers.

"Tell me why is this program still active?!" She yelled.

Meanwhile in Bucks home...

As they were eating lunch, both Buck and his lady friend heard the shouting outside. Buck rolled his eyes.

"Should we call the cops? It's getting kind of loud." She asked.

But they both heard a familiar voice.

"Bria!" They both said and ran out the door.

"Why do I need to answer to you?" The man spits out. He tried to kick Bria but she blocked it again with her powers. He growled and cursed. "Your powers are really annoying!" He kicked himself off the wall, which she wasn't expecting, with a swift hand he put two little dots on each of Bria's wrists. They dug into her skin and stunned her hands.

"What the?" The electrocution quickly stopped. The man swung at her, but she wasn't able to block him in time. He punched her in the gut.

Her powers were gone.

He lifted her up by her hair. "Not so special now are we?" He slammed Bria's head into the wall. Her head swelled as she heard the man laugh. Her eyes quickly got fuzzy, and she quickly blacked out.

"Kid? Kid?!" Buck yelled down the alleyway after hearing commotion. He saw a man run away from him. "Hey!" He ran after him.

"Buck!" The woman tried to stop him, but he was determined. Not long before he saw Bria laying on the ground. He noticed the man quickly got away.

He cursed when he saw the blood gushing out of her head. He turned her over onto her back. "Kid? Bria, can you hear me?" He checked her pulse on her neck. There was still a steady heartbeat. "She's unconscious."

"Do we risk taking her to the hospital?" The woman asked.

"Eh, probably not. With her powers, they would have to make one wrong move and she would rip the building into pieces." Buck replied.

"We can patch her up back at the house. We will just have to wait it out." She said.


Bria's head was bandaged and she laid peacefully on the bed in the guest room. Buck kept a close eye on her. It seemed like she was finally waking up.

"Ugh..." she moaned and struggled to open her eyes. Finally, her eyes slowly opened.

"Have a nice nap?" Buck asked.

Bria's eyes quickly found him. But she remained silent.

"You have a few stitches in your head. That man sure did a good one on ya." He said. The lady joined them in the room.

"What hospital am I in?" Bria asked with a raspy voice.

"You're back at my house." Buck said.

"You've been hit really hard in the head." The woman said.

Bria continued to look at them.

"Everything okay kid?" Buck asked.

Bria blinked a couple of times. "Who are you, people?"

Halo: Uncovering the Truth (Book 3, Arbiter x Female human series.)Where stories live. Discover now