The First Day of School

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(A/N: Trigger warning! Throughout this story there are mentions of suicide, self harm, eating disorders, minor violence, and mental disorders. If those are sensitive topics to you, read at your own risk. Anyway, enjoy! <3)

(Update: Thank you so much for 300 reads!)

(Updated update: This story is a bit wAck, I have better stories such as Tattoos that are still lams and are much better. I wrote this during a time that I was going through some weird stuff so it's a bit.. idk.. lazy? And, as I said before, wAck. However, as far as I know there aren't many spelling or grammar mistakes, so if those bother you, this is the story for you!)


I walked nervously into Tulsa Fairbanks High School. I clutched my backpack straps, hoping my black shirt will hide my weight well enough. Everyone tells me I'm not fat, even the doctor said I'm a normal weight. But it's the small amount of chubbiness here and there that makes me so self conscious, and that makes other people my age target me for bullying.

I walked down the hallway to my assigned locker, number 349. Everyone in the hall stared at me, probably because I was one of the only new kids in the grade since I was a senior. I quickly put in the combination written on the palm of my hand, threw in my backpack, took out my English folder, and ran down the hallway knowing I was about to be late.

As I ran, I slammed into another guy about 5 inches taller than me. His hair was swept back in a messy ponytail with pieces flying out everywhere and-- ohmygod he was beautiful-- his face was covered in a million freckles, scattered like stars in the night sky. I realized I had been staring at his enchanting green eyes with small golden flecks for a moment too long. The boy didn't seem to notice though, he was too busy being pissed off at me for spilling my quadruple shot veinte espresso all over him.

"What the heck, man?" He shouted in a slight southern accent, and began trying to wipe off the coffee with tissues, then he stopped for a moment to look at me.


I got off of my black motorcycle and quickly swept my windblown hair into a messy ponytail. I picked up my dark green backpack and threw it over one shoulder. Nobody noticed that I had ridden in on a motorcycle, and that was going to be my secret for now.

I walked through the front doors faking confidence and immediately a pack of wild girls descended on me.

"Hi I'm Angelica!" The girl in front wearing a light pink t-shirt that said 'girl power' shouted over the commotion of the other three.

"I'm Eliza!" Said a girl in a light blue tank top next to her. "And this is Margarita." She motioned to a shorter girl wearing a yellow crop top and light colored high waisted jeans.

"Ew! Don't call me that!" Margarita glared half jokingly at Eliza. "I'm Peggy."

I smiled at the three girls then noticed the last one in a bright red romper and black leather knee high boots standing behind them smirking at me. She cocked an eyebrow then pushed them playfully out of the way and walked up to me. She slid a hand down my chest and looked up at me.

"Hey freckles." She said flirtily.

"Uhh...hi?" I looked up at her, confused.

She seemed taken aback by the fact that I wasn't suddenly head over heels for her. Eliza pulled her back from me a little. Peggy rolled her eyes and smiled at me.

"Slow down there, Maria, he just got here. What's your name by the way?" Eliza asked.

"I'm John. John Laurens. I'm new here, as you can probably tell."

"Ooh, Freckles is newbie. I'm happy to show you around." Maria winked.

"Uhh, actually I'll show him around since I'm the only one in the welcoming committee." Peggy butted in.

I smiled at her, thankful that I wouldn't have to spend one on one time with this flirt.

"Freckles is all yours then, but he'll be mine soon enough." She sang a sweet little "goodbyeee!" and sashayed away.

"Sorry about her." Eliza rolled her eyes. "She'll be the death of me one day."

"True. She's annoying, but she's also my best friend." Added Angelica.

The warning bell rang. "I have to go to meet with the feminist club now! See you later! Work!" Angelica ran down the hall.

"Shoot! I haven't gone to my locker yet. I'll see you in class?" I raised my eyebrows, hoping they were also seniors.

Peggy gave me a thumbs up as we all scattered to rush to our lockers.

I quickly ran down the hallway, about to make it to my locker, number 350 when suddenly a short, chubbier kid slammed into me, pouring burning hot coffee all over my brand new white Nike hoodie.

"What the heck, man?" I shouted at him. I grabbed tissues from my backpack to try to clean it off... then I looked up.

What a sight. His tousled dark hair framed his face perfectly and matched his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Our eyes met for a second too long before he shook his head and looked down awkwardly.


I mumbled a quick "I'm sorry" and was about to rush away when the other boy took off his stained hoodie, accidentally lifting his shirt and showing his impeccable pecs. (A/N: Sorry, inside joke haha)

I tried to keep walking but my bisexualness stopped me in my tracks. I noticed all the girls staring and I was the only boy who hadn't averted my eyes, trying not to look gay. He finished pulling off his hoodie and shot me a questioning glance. I forced a quick, apologetic smile and rushed away, silently cursing myself for standing there and looking too bisexual because that was yet another thing to be bullied for.

Right as I thought I was safe, I felt two hands slap my cheeks. (A/N: face cheeks lol) One of the two boys, a very tall one, looked at me and laughed.

"I'm so sorry, mon ami. Me and my boyfriend were trying to give each other a... how you say... high five." He blushed sheepishly.

"C'est bon." (It's ok) I replied, assuming he would understand from his thick French accent.

The French boy gasped and clapped his hands excitedly. "Tu parle français? Moi aussi! Quel est ton nom?" (You speak French? So do I! What's your name?)

The other boy was shorter, but wider in size and still way taller than me. He smiled and said, "Woah, calm down there baguette."

"Shut up Hunkules, mon amor." But the tall boy leaned in and kissed the shorter one.

Alex smiled. "Je suis Alexander. Also I'm glad there's other lgbtq+ students here."

"Wait who said I wasn't straight?" 'Hunkules' said menacingly.

I was scared for a moment, until he heartily laughed it off.

"Nah, I'm pansexual as heck. I'm Hercules Mulligan, you can call me Herc, and this is my gay boyfriend, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette A.K.A Lafayette."

I smiled, then the late bell rang. "Shoot, we better get to class."

They nodded and we rushed down the hall all together to English.

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