The Schuyler Mansion

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(A/N: Here's a semi-fluffy chapter because this story has gotten too intense :) (Also, heads up, I'm pretty sure we're nearing the end of this story, but I am planning on writing a sequel!) (Zoe from the future here, ((oh yeah my name is Zoe btw)) this is not even close to the last chapter because I ended up writing 33 chapters when I thought I was going to write only 20)


After the fire, we headed over to the Schuyler Sisters' house quickly. Alex and I took my motorcycle, Herc and Laff said they'd meet us there later.

We pulled up to the address Eliza had given us and gaped at the house before us. No, it wasn't a house. It was a mansion.

"Hey!" Squealed Eliza as she ran out the front door and down the long sidewalk between the road and the perfectly manicured and green front lawn.

"Woah, 'Liza, this place is huge." I blushed for a moment, worried she'd be offended that was the first thing I pointed out, but instead she just laughed it off.

"Our father is a big shot business man, you know." Said Angelica casually as she walked up behind Eliza.

They took us inside and began to show us around. If it was even possible, the house seemed even bigger inside than it looked from the outside. Finally, they showed us our room.

"Woah..." Alex whispered.

That word perfectly described the room. It was massive, probably 5 times the size of our old bedroom. There was a king size canopy bed in the center, multiple couches, a large fire place and a walk in closet with the door open. There were tons of clothes already in the closet, they looked around Alex and I's size.

Angelica followed my gaze. "Oh, we have the closets full of clothes then give guests rooms depending on their size."

I laughed incredulously. "You say that like it's a normal thing, Angie."

They left to let us get "settled in" although we had nothing to unpack. I immediately plopped down on an elegant white chaise lounge. Alex had been staring at the whole room, not saying anything, but he suddenly turned and ran to me. He jumped on my lap and we both laughed cheerfully.

"Wow, you're in a good mood for someone who's house just burned down." I said as I stroked his slightly tangled, but still soft, hair.

"Well, I guess it hasn't really sunk in yet." He replied, and we sat there for a minute in silence before he turned to face me, his hands on my chest.

"Alex." I breathed, wondering why he had moved so suddenly, but I also had a sneaking suspicion I knew exactly why.

"Jacky, I love you. But I realized something." I was filled with panic, but it melted away once I heard his next sentence. "We've never been on a proper date."

I laughed. "You're right, what the hell?"

"I know! Which is why I think tomorrow, we should go somewhere together, just the two of us." He smiled and leaned in for a kiss. I returned it and soon we were removing our shirts.

We heard a scream and a crash and we instantly broke apart. Peggy stood in the doorway, and a book that must've been in her hand seconds ago was now on the floor beside her.

"Oh, hey Pegs." Chuckled Alex awkwardly.

"Um... hi? I'm just going to read somewhere else." She said rapidly, then scurried out of the room slamming the door behind her.

We laughed. "Let's continue, shall we?" Asked Alex and I leaned in again.


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