A New Dawn

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I woke up the next day, with Alexander curled up next to me. He was so small, the doctors hadn't noticed that when they tried to kick him out, he had secretly gotten under the covers with me.

I had slept well for once, nightmare free. Everything seemed ok again with Alexander in my arms.

Of course, there was still the fact that another man had feelings for my boyfriend.

But I tried to forget about that for now, to treasure these precious moments where I had succeeded in getting Alex to sleep. I knew most nights he just waited for me to fall asleep, then began typing on his phone. He was always writing like he was running out of time.

Suddenly Alex's phone rang loudly. Alex sat up almost instantly- he's always been such a light sleeper - then took his phone off the small bedside table.

"It's Peggy."

He answered the phone. "Hi Pegs." He paused. "John is ok! I didn't think the whole school would know what happened so soon." Pause. Frown. Worry. "Oh yes, Jefferson. He gossips too much." Pause. Frown decreases slightly. "Of course he and I broke up, I found out that he had helped King George spill everyone's secrets, and in some twisted way it was all so he could get together with me. He has to be a sociopath or something..." Alex trailed off and paused again. After a moment, his face lit up. "What?! That's great news! We're already here, so I guess we'll be able to see them pretty soon." Pause. Slight frown returns. "Ok, see you soon, Pegs!"

I turned to him, excited to hear the great news, slightly concerned about why he was frowning. But I smiled just because his was with me. He turned to me, and when he saw that I was smiling, he began smiling too, the corners of his dark brown eyes that I could stare into forever crinkled.

"Herc and Laff woke up! Actually, they actually both woke up about a week ago, but the doctors needed to keep them under surveillance for a while before they let in visitors."

My smile widened, and I propped myself up on one arm, nearly as tall as Alex when he was sitting down. We smiled at each other, challenging the other one to lean in first. Finally we leaned in at the same time, and our noses booped together, just like the first day of school. We giggled - woah, deja vu - then finally leaned in and kissed for a while.

Alexander's phone dinged, making us break apart.


Elizacanhelp added AlextheHam, Hunkules Muscleman, FrancaisYEET, TheYoungestPegs, and SatisfiedWho? to the chat

Elizacanhelp: hey guys what's going on??? peggy wouldn't tell us...

TheYoungestPegs: exCAuSE me? i tried to tell you and you said you wanted to hear from a "primary source!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Alextheham: I got my baby, John Laurens back! My heart is fulfilled again.

Elizacanhelp: Yayyyyyy!!!!!! U gotchur manss back!

Hunkules Muscleman: congratss dood :DD

FrancaisYEET: LOLOLOL oui congrats btw hercy why you say dood??

Hunkules Muscleman: dood your laying on my lap just ask me

Alextheham: Everyone's grammar is making me dig my grave. Hercules it's you're, not your.

Elizacanhelp: let it gooooo! u gotcha mans backkkk!!!!

theyoungestpegs: u got Laurens back? im actually disappointed

theyoungestpegs: sucks 4 u

theyoungestpegs: y did you get back 2gether with him anyway?

theyoungestpegs: he's not a gud person

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