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It was a few days later, and I was fine. Really, my anxiety attack seemed to bring me and John closer together. It also had made King George, Charles Lee, and Samuel Seabury bully me even more, but I've begun to ignore it. Jefferson and I are partnered on an English project, and I'm dreading it. I've realized I kind of hate him. He's also my friend, it's pretty confusing. I guess the best term to describe it would be... frenemies.

It was the morning, and I had first period English. John forgot something at his locker as always, but I didn't want to be late and have Jefferson make a big deal out of it to try to get me in trouble, so I kissed him and we parted. On my way to class, Maria caught up with me.

"Hey, Alex." She put her hand out to stop me.

I turned to her, realizing she was even taller than John by about two inches, she was probably about 5'9, which made her 7 inches taller than me, therefore making her seem extremely tall.

"What? We're going to be late to class." I tried not to fidget uncomfortably. Maria was nice and we hung out, but everytime we were alone together it was awkward.

She grabbed my hand and led me down the hallway without saying a word. I reluctantly let her lead me.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked. She sped up. Soon we were outside the school. She led me down the street and over to a nearby donut shop. She took me to a booth in the back of the restaurant.

"Maria, really, I don't want to skip engl--" She pressed her finger to my lips.

"Shhh. I have to tell you something, and then there's something important I have to do." Her crimson lips suddenly curled into a strange shape, somewhere between a smirk and an insane grin. I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

"Angelica rejected me." She continued with the strange smile.

"What? You liked her? Why didn't you tell us?" I was shocked.

"I didn't mind much, though, because I couldn't deny that I had feelings for someone else..."

I stared at her blankly. "John? I know you liked him on the first day, but we're literally dating and he's very g--"

Maria pressed her finger to my lips again and I glared at her. "No, you."

I shook off her finger and gaped at her. "Me? Sorry Maria, but I'm dating John. Yes, I'm bi but I don't have any feelings for you..." I tried to sugar coat it but by the angry look on her face I obviously hadn't done it very well.

"Alex..." She paused for a moment then grabbed my hand again. She led me to the back of the donut shop, where there was a small empty garden. We both sat on a wooden bench.

"Alexander, you can't deny the spark between us." She said seductively, playing with my hair.

I shook my head to get her hand out of my hair. "There's no spark between us, Maria, what are you talking about? I. Am. Dating. John. Laurens."

She rolled her eyes and began playing with my hair again. We sat in an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, then suddenly she leaned forward for a kiss, catching me by surprise. I returned it for a moment then broke away. What was I doing? I liked John, I had no feelings for Maria. Or did I? I'm so easily affected by kisses, that it's hard to even tell. Just to make sure -- and against all of my instincts -- I leaned back in.

For some stupid reason we sat on that bench for a long time, kissing. Finally I broke away.

"Maria, stop. I know you're just trying to get over Angelica, but you should try that with Peggy or something, because I'm taken."

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