The Fire (Reprise)

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It was a few days later, Jacky and I hadn't argued the whole time. Our relationship has been stronger than ever. I've begun eating again, and I convinced John to throw away his blades.

We woke up one morning to the sound of the fire alarms going off. I opened my eyes sleepily, and sat up slowly. Somehow, John was still asleep. I guess we had been up until two a.m. last night.

I shook John gently. "The fire alarms are going off!" Suddenly, I felt sick to my stomach and my anxiety felt like it was suffocating me.

"John, the fire alarms are going off! JEFFERSON!" I couldn't contain my fear. That made him sit up quickly. We both threw random clothes as quickly as we possibly could and grabbed our phones.

We ran out to the living room at the same time as Herc and Laff. We were about to rush out the door to go down the stairs.

"Wait!" Exclaimed Laff. "We have to feel ze door for heat first!" He felt the door. "It is burning hot!" he announced, sounding just as terrified as I felt.

"Do we have an emergency ladder?" Asked John. I would've asked that, but I felt like I was going to throw up if I opened my mouth. I clenched John's hand.

"Yes, of course!" Herc rushed to his bedroom. "Dammit, I forgot! Someone stole our stuff! They took the ladder too!" He called from the bedroom. I nearly fainted, the only thing keeping me from it was the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"What ze 'ell are we supposed to do then?" Yelled Laff, his face turning red with worry.

"Call 911!" I finally managed to say, and John dropped my hand as he dialed it quickly.

"911, whats yo--"

"We're trapped in our apartment with no escape! There's a fire in the hall, and we don't have a ladder!" John cut off the operator.

"What's your address?" The operator asked.

John quickly told her. "Emergency services are on the way!" She said quickly, and John hung up.

"What are we supposed to do?" I said breathlessly.

"We shall just 'ave to wait!" Said Laff, looking faint. He clutched onto to Herc for support.

We stood there in silence, too worried to try to make any conversation. Suddenly, there was a loud crash and we turned to see that the door had burned down and the fire was rapidly spreading over the whole apartment. I coughed from the smoke and reached out for John's hand. I couldn't find it, the smoke and my anxiety were blinding me.

"ALEX!" John yelled. I could tell he was looking for me. I reached out for him and finally found his hand. We all stumbled out onto the tiny balcony.

We stood out there waiting, still too scared to speak. I looked through the glass door to the balcony back at our apartment. I wished I hadn't. The whole apartment was swallowed up by flames. I began shaking even harder, not just because of the damp chill that was seeping through my clothes into my bones.

Finally, the fire truck showed up. They lifted a ladder slowly, until it got to our balcony.

"SMALLEST TO LARGEST!" Called up a fireman.

Everyone looked at me and I nervously got on the ladder. After I had climbed down a little, John followed me, then Laff, and lastly Herc. We got to the ground and the fireman called through the megaphone for anyone else to come out. A few more people rushed out.

"Alex, are you ok?" John put his arm around my waist. "It's not like you to be quiet for so long."

"Yeah. Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yup. Hey Herc and Laff, you good?" He turned and asked them.

Laff still was very pale, and Herc was gently petting his hair, that he hadn't even had time to put in a ponytail. I noticed he sort of looked like Jefferson when he didn't have his hair up.

"Just... remembering." Was all Laff said, and Herc nodded.

I gave them a confused look. "You don't have to answer, but, um, what do you guys mean?" I asked.

"We actually had a small stand-alone house before we moved here, but that was burned down by my ex girlfriend..." Said Herc quietly. "Sort of funny how history repeats itself."

"Yeah..." I replied.

"But we were close to death then, though I assume we were close to death zis time too." Said Laff, sounding despondent and dramatic.

I nodded, and we were all silent again. Even though I hadn't woken up long ago, I felt exhausted. I guess it was because I was coming down from an adrenaline high.

A fireman walked over to us. "Are you boys ok?" We all nodded. "Any ideas of how the fire was started?"

"Actually, yes sir, we believe it was burnt down by one of our class mates, Thomas Jefferson." Said John.

The fireman raised his eyebrows. "That's a large accusation young man, do you have any proof?"

"Yes, we do." John took out his phone and showed the fire man the video of our phone call. I hid my face when it came to the part where I went on a rant about our relationship.

"Thank you young man, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I've heard Jefferson's name before."

"He started a fire at our school about a week ago, sir." I said.

"Well, thank you for the evidence. Because of this, you'll be needed in court. Do you know where he could be now?"

"Probably just at his house." Said Herc, and we all agreed.

We discussed that for a while then the fireman walked away, thanking us for our help.

"Guys, we should tell everyone what happened." I suggested.


*SouthernAccentKink has changed their name to AlextheBurntHam*

AlextheBurntHam: Guys, we have some bad news.

SatisfiedWho?: what is it????????

theyoungestpegs: spill the tea sis

AlexisHot: that bastard burned down our f***king apartment

francoisYEET: jefferson to be clear

Elizacanhelp: omg r u guys ok

Alexishot: sorta

hunkulesmuscleman:  where tf are we gonna live now 

francoisYEET: your a bit rich arent you hunkules

AlextheBurntHam: *You're.

hunkulesmuscleman: sorta I didnt wanna say anything

SatisfiedWho?: guys u can stay with us while your looking for a new house

Alexishot: i got this one alex *You're

AlextheBurntHam: Thanks, Jacky. Also thank you Angelica. I'm ok with that, if you three are.

Alexishot: im in

francoisYEET: as long as hunkules is ok with it i am

hunkulesmuscleman: ok but not for long i dont wanna intrude

theyoungestpegs: YAY!

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