In The Eye of a Hurricane, There is Quiet

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After visiting with Lafayette and Hercules for a while, the gang decided to go their separate ways then meet up tomorrow at the hospital to spend all day with Herc and Laff after they were released.

John and I took his motorcycle home, after he finally had convinced me.

"Alex, you've ridden on it once and even driven it! You'll be fine, because this time will be even safer. You'll be holding on to me and wearing my helmet!" John exclaimed, not really angry, just exasperated.

"Yes, but one of the times I was unconscious, and the second time I wasn't thinking. Now I'm thinking, thinking about how dangerous motorcycles are!" I protested.

Laurens stared at me, not knowing what to say. I stared back defiantly. Finally, he got close to me and took both of my hands in his.

"Alex..." He looked down at me with pleading puppy dog eyes.

I averted my gaze, if I looked at him, at his beautiful green eyes, I'd instantly put my life in his hands. Really, I trusted him to drive me safely, it was other drivers that I was worried about. And the fact that the only girlfriend I ever had on the island, or anywhere really, was killed in a motorcycle accident.

John leaned down and kissed me gently. I returned it, and we stood next to his motorcycle for a moment, just kissing. He broke away first, but I leaned back in, kissing him more passionately. It sent shivers down my spine.

He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off my feet slightly, bringing me up so I was closer to his height. We kept kissing and then he broke away. I was about to lean back in when he began kissing my neck.

"Jacky..." I whispered after a moment and he pulled away.

"Sorry-- I--" He blushed.

I smirked at him. "Let's get home."


I woke up the next day, opening my eyes excitedly, wanting to see Alex's cute face again, and thinking about what we had done last night. But when I opened my eyes, he was nowhere to be seen. I sat up.

"Alex?" I called out. Suddenly I smelled the delicious scent of veggie bacon and eggs. I smiled, wondering how Alex had known I was vegetarian since I had made the choice while we weren't together.

I leapt out of bed and quickly put on some clothes.

Alex was waiting for me at the table with a large plate of the food he had made. One plate.

I sat down and kissed him. "Thanks so much for making me breakfast, Alex." I smiled and gazed into his beautiful brown eyes.

"You're welcome, Jacky. Now eat up, Eliza is picking us up in 45 minutes to get to the hospital."

I nodded, and we sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments, not an awkward one, just one where we were both thinking.

"Alex," I began, breaking the silence, "Where's your food?" I looked at him, concerned he wasn't eating again.

"I ate earlier..." He said quietly, but I knew he was lying because he wouldn't meet my gaze.

"Alex, you need to eat!" I exclaimed.

"I did yesterday!" He shot back.

"Yeah, but you're supposed to eat 3 meals a day everyday, Alex. You ate one meal after not eating for weeks!" I finally made eye contact with him, and he sighed.

"I can't say no to you, Jacky." He took a piece of veggie bacon off of my enormous pile and began to eat it slowly.

I smiled. "That's better, mi amor."

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