The Hospital

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I woke up in a hospital bed, John clenching my hand so hard it felt like it was going to fall off.

"Why am I in a hospital bed?" I mumbled.

"You passed out in class! Do you know what happened? The doctors said it was probably just dehydration but I forced them to let us stay here until you woke up." John looked so relieved yet still worried at the same time. I stared at his freckles for a moment when I realized he had asked me a question.

"Oh! Uhh... it's embarrassing..." I felt my face redden.

"You can tell me anything, Mi Amor." He leaned in closer to me and I truly believed him. But I still didn't want to admit I had anxiety, so I tried to change the subject.

"Tu hablas Español? Increíble, yo también!" (You speak Spanish? Awesome, me too!) I smiled but his expression of worry didn't change. "Fine... I had an anxiety attack. This one was worse than usual because I tried to suppress it..."

"Anxiety attack? Why?" He looked confused but then realization dawned on his gorgeous face. "It was Fredrick, Lee, and Seabury, right?" His expression changed once more, darkening this time. "We need to tell Principal Washington! Or a teacher! I don't know, we need to tell someone!"

"It's fine really, but next time I do have an attack you don't need to take me to the hospital." I smiled. "How did you get me here anyway? An ambulance?"

"Well..." He began.


I was sitting next to Alex in biology, watching him furiously take notes and write everything down like he was running out of time. I didn't care much about my grades, and liked watching him much more than I liked taking notes. And Peggy usually let me copy her homework anyway.

Suddenly Alex looked pale and began rocking back and forth slightly. His chest was rising and falling rapidly and then he was falling off his chair.

I rushed forward and barely caught him before he hit the ground. Everyone around me snickered, thinking he had just accidentally fallen off his chair. I could tell something was wrong though. His eyes were closed and he was completely limp.

"Miss Orth? Something is wrong with Alexander... I think he passed out." I couldn't keep the urgent worry out of my voice.

"You can take him to the nurse's office, dear. Just take the pass." She went back to the lesson like it was more important than my boyfriend's health.

Also, I knew the nurse didn't know how to do her job. A few days ago a kid threw up, he got sent to the nurse's office and she had just given him a bandaid and told him to walk it off. Alex possibly needed real medical attention. I wasn't going to let some dumb old nurse try to "help" him.

Right then, I decided to rush out of class and out to my motorcycle. I carefully put Alex in the large front basket, thankful that he was so small. I broke the speed limit and rushed to the hospital, not willing to take any chances. Who knows? He could've been having a stroke or something.

I got there, parked in a handicapped space right next to the door, scooped him up, and rushed through the double doors of the ER.

"My boyfriend passed out! I'm not sure why." A few doctors glared at me, obviously thinking I was being overdramatic for taking Alex to the ER just because he passed out. Now that I began thinking about it, I probably was being overdramatic. He was still breathing fine, he could've just been really tired. But the way he got pale and shook like that, made me think there was something more dangerous going on.

One sweet female doctor walked over and took Alex out of my arms. "He'll be ok, sweetheart. We'll run a few quick tests on your boyfriend, you can have a seat."

I nodded, and plopped down into the closest seat, quickly sending a text to the whole gang about what had happened.

After a while a doctor came out and told me it was most likely dehydration, and that I needed to take Alex back to school.

"No! What if you're wrong? He's staying here in a hospital bed until he wakes up and I'm sure he's ok."

The doctor sighed. "Whatever kid." He walked away.

I went into the room and pulled up a chair next to the large white bed with a little body in it. I grabbed Alex's hand and squeezed it.

"Please be ok, Alex." I sat there, watching him peacefully until suddenly his eyes fluttered open.

"Why am I in a hospital bed?" He mumbled.

"You passed out in class! Do you know what happened? The doctors said it was probably just dehydration but I forced them to let us stay here until you woke up." I felt relief sweep through my entire body, but my worries hadn't completely faded yet.

"Ohh... uhh.. it's embarrassing." His dazzling face reddened and my heart beat faster. What was he hiding from me?

"You can tell me anything, Mi Amor." I leaned closer to him, hoping to kiss him soon.

"Tu hablas Español? Increíble, yo también!" I glared at him worriedly. He was obviously trying to change the subject. "Fine... I had an anxiety attack. This one was worse than usual because I tried to suppress it..."

"Anxiety attack? Why?" I paused to think for a moment. "It was George, Charles, and Samuel, right?" His expression changed once more, darkening this time. "We need to tell the principal, Mr. Washington! Or a teacher! I don't know, we need to tell someone!"

"It's fine really, but next time I do have an attack you don't need to take me to the hospital." he smiled. "How did you get me here anyway? An ambulance?"

"Well..." I told him everything that had just happened, and in the end he laughed.

"Wow, you're an amazing boyfriend. I don't know what I'd do without you."

We both smiled and kissed. The same woman doctor from earlier walked in. "I just talked to the front desk, this visit will be free of charge." She winked.

"Thank you so much! I'm broke, and my parents definitely aren't going to pay the hospital bills..."

Alex and I both left, thanking the doctor one last time.

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