Deliberately Dysfunctional

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A/N: This chapter is just one big accidental Be More Chill reference. I hadn't heard the musical when I wrote this, but now I'm revising it and keep thinking "Rich set a fire and he burned down the house!" Lmao


I couldn't believe it. Thomas Jefferson had set the school on fire! What the hell? Was this about Alex?

I felt my hands curl into fists. Alex absentmindedly tried to grab my hand then looked at me, surprised.

"John, are you ok?" He looked up at me worriedly.

"I can't believe him? Why would he do this?" My words came out harsher than I had intended.

"I don't know, Jacky. But if you're thinking this has to do with me, I doubt it. Why would he burn down the school because of me?" Alex had finally wormed his hand into mine, and we interlaced our fingers.

"'Cause he's deliberately dysfunctional..." I muttered.

"But he's not so insane that he'd do that 'for me' " Alex reasoned.

I was about to agree, when Principal Washington called out, "Alexander Hamilton! Get over here immediately!"

I squeezed his hand, but he didn't let go of mine. He led me over to Mr. Washington with him.

Washington seemed to consider saying something about me, but I think he saw Alexander's anxiety-ridden expression and let me stay.

"Son, Thomas Jefferson here said it was your fault that my school is up in flames. Care to explain?"

Alexander's eyes widened. "Mr. Washington, I have no idea what he is talking about. The only way this could be considered 'my fault' is if he was taking out his anger about me on the school! You see, we were dating."

Washington looked mildly surprised, but nodded to urge Alex on.

"I broke up with him because, well that doesn't really matter I guess." Alex's face reddened. "Anyway, if he burned down the school, the only way it could relate to me is the fact that him and I dated." Alex repeated.

Washington raised his eyebrows. "He said you blackmailed him and told him to burn down the school to keep his secrets from getting out."

My mouth fell open, so did Alex's.

"What!" I exclaimed angrily. "That's not fuc-- That's not true, Mr. Washington!"

"No need to get angry, Mr. Laurens, because I honestly don't believe him myself." Washington glanced at Jefferson, who was now kissing James Madison.

"Guess they got back together." I mumbled so that only Alex could hear me. But I think Washington heard too. Nothing seemed to go unnoticed by him.

"Yes, they did Mr. Laurens. Which is why I am suspicious of the text conversation he showed me as 'evidence', I haven't had the pleasure of speaking to you much this year, son-- Mr. Hamilton, but your teachers have informed me that you are a good kid, and the texts seem highly unlikely, but also very threatening and serious if they're real."

Alex began to say something, but Washington continued, "However, we can't completely discredit Mr. Jefferson, he also gets decent grades and doesn't cause much trouble in class. Although, he does frequently not turn in his homework and lies about it..." Washington trailed off, seeming to be thinking out loud instead of talking to us at this point.

"Anyways, son, obviously the school will be closing for a while, but we will continue to investigate the situation, and then confer with you about it once the school has been reopened. Have a nice day." Washington gave a quick smile. "Well, unless it's true that you blackmailed Mr. Jefferson to get him to burn down the school, then please have an unpleasant day." Joked Mr. Washington, which surprised both me and Alex.

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