The Airport

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I couldn't stop sobbing, but I had only one thought in my mind. I had to get to the airport before Alex could leave.

I took my motorcycle and drove to the airport as fast as possible, going 20 mph above the speed limit. Luckily, a police officer didn't see me.

I rushed into the airport, still crying. People stared at me like I was insane, but I didn't care. I ran through the airport to security. And there he was. 

Alexander was at the front of the line, about to go through the metal detector. 

"ALEX!" I yelled. He turned, and when he saw me he immediately ran through the tall, grey machine.

"NO!" I yelled, and an airport security man ran over to me.

"You need to calm down, sir. We're going to escort you out of the airport now." Said the man as he grabbed my arms.

"No, sir, you don't understand! That's my boyfriend, I have to talk to him before he leaves! Please!" I sounded hysteric and insane, but I had no other option. This man had to understand.

The man stayed quiet for a moment. "You know what? Fine. I'll take you to him, but after you talk to him, I'm throwing you out." His voice was compassionate.

"Thank you so much, sir." The man walked me past security and over to Alex, who was practically sprinting down the hall.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to stop running and come here." Called out the man. 

Alex stopped and slowly turned around. He saw me and burst into tears.

He walked back quickly, still sobbing. Everyone was staring at us, even the airport employees.

"Alex, how could you? You know I love you, why would you just leave? I--"

"John, I love you too but... I can't marry you!" A few people around us gasped.

"Why?" Tears were streaming down both of our faces.

"Because... I love you so much and if something happens to you..." He began sobbing even harder. "I should never have started loving you in the first place! Everyone always dies, or leaves me or..." He trailed off, and took a deep breath. "I can't let the same thing happen with you. I have to be the one who leaves this time."

"Alex." I gasped. 

"I'm sorry, I have to go." He turned and began to hurry away when the man who was still holding my arms behind my back called out again.

"Sir, I didn't give you permission to leave!"

Alex turned back and rolled his eyes. "I can't stay here."

"Alexander Hamilton, I love you more than I've ever loved someone in my entire life. I'm not going anywhere, I would never leave you, and I'm not planning on dying any time soon." Alex gave a weak chuckle. "Please, stay. We don't have to get married, but I still want you to be my boyfriend."

Alex thought for a moment, then laughed. 

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"The funny thing is, I want to leave so badly, but if you took out a ring and proposed right now, I would say yes." 

I raised my eyebrows and laughed slightly too. "What's even funnier is..." I made a decision I hoped I wouldn't regret. The man let go of my arms like he knew what was going to happen. I got down on one knee. "I have a ring, and I am proposing right now." I smiled at him and he gasped.

"Alexander Hamilton, will you make me the happiest man in the entire universe, and forget about leaving? And then after that, will you marry me?" 

"Yes." He breathed. 

"What was that?" I joked.

"You know what? Yes, I will marry you." I jumped to my feet and kissed him.

Everyone in the airport applauded, and I realized this was probably one of the craziest proposals ever. It took us a while, but when we finally broke apart, I put the ring on his finger.

"John, it's beautiful." He gasped.

"Nowhere as beautiful as you." I grinned, and kissed him again.


A/N: And so, the story ends! Well, this part of the story. There will most likely be a sequel, but for now I'm writing a Mullette fanfic that I'll be posting chapter by chapter, instead of releasing it all at once like this story. I hope you liked this, and if you did you should go follow a.burr.sir2018 on instagram, which is a hamilton account I'm part of (I'm Jefferson!)

Thank you so much for reading, I love you all! Bye! <3 

Edit: I have a Mullette fanfic that I'll be releasing chapter by chapter that I just put up! It's called Can't stop me from loving you // Mullette

You should read that, I promise I will complete it :)

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